XSF Communications Team - 2018-08-03

  1. jcbrand

    Would someone be available to do a quick proofread of the next instalment of the newsletter? https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/blob/newsletter/content/posts/newsletter/2018-08-03.md

  2. MattJ gives it an eye over

  3. MattJ

    From a marketing POV, remove the "slightly late" part, most people aren't sitting waiting eagerly for it when it's due

  4. MattJ

    so 99% of people won't know it's actually late unless you tell them, and opening with "we failed to meet our goals" isn't a great opening :)

  5. MattJ

    jcbrand, sent a PR

  6. MattJ

    All looks good to me

  7. jcbrand

    Thanks MattJ 🙂

  8. jcbrand

    I've merged your PR and then mine to master

  9. MattJ


  10. MattJ

    Thanks for your work on the newsletter :)

  11. MattJ

    Any idea how many subscribers it has?

  12. jcbrand

    MattJ: It has 142 subscribers. Up from 134 for the previous issue.

  13. MattJ


  14. jcbrand

    Yeah, not too shabby

  15. MattJ

    Who posts to Twitter/etc.?