XSF Communications Team - 2019-12-06

  1. Nÿco

    > How's your bike? It looks fine, thx Me, I'm at the doctor's waiting room, for a severe cold :'(

  2. Guus

    Get well soon

  3. Nÿco


  4. martin

    I added an article mentioning the german federal police experimenting with an own XMPP messenger to the Newsletter Wiki. But the article and the source are both in german so I don't know whether this is suitable for the newsletter.

  5. martin

    But it might be worth mentioning/discussing this on social media? Daniel already asked where to find the sources on twitter: https://twitter.com/iNPUTmice/status/1201859385489788929

  6. Licaon_Kter

    martin: maybe make a tl;dr and add a "warning text in schrudel" with the link

  7. martin

    Actually there is already a summary and a (german) behind each link.

  8. Martin

    Meh, I was lowercased and nobody told me :(