XMPP Council - 2018-11-28

  1. Kev

    I've just realised I probably can't make the meeting today. Oops?

  2. Link Mauve

    If you can make it earlier that’s fine for me, but not later. Or another day.

  3. jonas’ sneaks into the room and takes a seat on one of the five chairs---not the center one though!---which are lined up at the short edge of the rectangular hall.

  4. moparisthebest

    He then puts on his robe and wizard's hat...

  5. dwd

    I've always felt the room was circular. And dark. Probably lit by flaming torches.

  6. jonas’


  7. jonas’

    flaming torches, yes

  8. Link Mauve

    I imagined it like the War Room I sat at during VDD2018.

  9. Link Mauve

    Definitely circular.

  10. jonas’

    first agendum: Is the council room circular, yes/no?

  11. dwd

    Chairs with very tall backs.

  12. jonas’

    dwd, for sure!

  13. dwd

    I'm a little reticent to hold our first meeting without everyone able to come, actually - given we need to pick a chair (person, not furniture).

  14. dwd

    Who do we have present?

  15. jonas’

  16. Link Mauve


  17. Link Mauve

    Erm, poezio’s rstrip plugin. ^^'

  18. Link Mauve

  19. Ge0rG


  20. Ge0rG

    Whoops, sorry. We started already

  21. Ge0rG

  22. dwd

    So that's everyone other than Kev?

  23. jonas’

    apparently so

  24. Link Mauve

    1) Proposal for a +1W meeting instead, with Kev and everyone.

  25. dwd

    OK. That's great, but I feel really uncomfortable trying to pick a Chair when one of us can't make the meeting.

  26. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  27. dwd

    Link Mauve, Yeah, exactly that.

  28. dwd

    Link Mauve +1.

  29. Ge0rG

    +1W WFM

  30. Ge0rG

    But maybe we can collect volunteers until next week at least?

  31. jonas’

    /me points at .. oh wait he said "volunteers"

  32. Ge0rG

    Yeah, the wording was unfortunate. Let's go with "candidates"

  33. dwd

    Yeah, sounds good.

  34. jonas’

    I think dwd did a good job last year

  35. jonas’

    I’d be very comfortable with him doing it again this year.

  36. Ge0rG

    I agree with jonas’

  37. jonas’

    (I’d not be comfortable with doing it myself fwiw)

  38. dwd

    I think I did a terrible job last year, actually, but I can endeavour to do better.

  39. jonas’

    so you didn’t hire Tedd? I thought that you did ;-)

  40. jonas’

    so you didn’t hire Tedd? I (jokingly) thought that you did ;-)

  41. dwd

    I am, BTW, trying to knock out a chatbot that can gather votes for us instead of manually copying them to a spreadsheet.

  42. jonas’

    I have a vote module for foorl

  43. jonas’

    hm, then again, I’d have to make it really persistent to ensure that no votes get lost across MUC disconnects and server reboots and stuff

  44. dwd

    It's quite tricky, votes have a fairly complex workflow.

  45. jonas’

    mmm, now I want to build the thing ;-)

  46. jonas’

    (btw, I thnik we all agreed on +1w, so we can call it a day, meeting wise?)

  47. Ge0rG

    jonas’: there are more than enough open tasks in other projects :P

  48. dwd

    Yeah, Ite, Meeting Est and all that.

  49. dwd

    jonas’, I'll sling what I have into github somewhere the moment it's not completely embarrassing.