XMPP Council - 2019-10-30

  1. Dave Cridland

    Good news, my jabber.org accout still works. Bad news, it has 328 spam messages awaiting me.

  2. Kev


  3. Dave Cridland

    DSL router died on me at the weekend, so my subnet is offline while I use a crappy router instead, and my server is on that subnet.

  4. Link Mauve

    Dave Cridland, I’ve heard some work is in progress to fix this issue on jabber.org.

  5. Ge0rG

    I've heard there are people working on a much better way to filter xmpp spam.

  6. Ge0rG

    That said, I'm currently having a medical condition and may not be able to participate.

  7. Dave Cridland


  8. Dave Cridland

    1) Roll Call

  9. Dave Cridland

    Ge0rG, Kev, Link Mauve, jonas’ ?

  10. Kev


  11. Link Mauve

    Hi, I’m here.

  12. jonas’

    my laptop is crashing

  13. jonas’

    I'll be a few minutes late

  14. Dave Cridland

    Well, that's enough for a meeting anyway.

  15. Dave Cridland

    2) Agenda Bashing

  16. Dave Cridland

    If I remember correctly, CS-2020's Last Call is officially halfway through, so that's not ready yet.

  17. Dave Cridland

    Is there anything else?

  18. jonas’

    here I am

  19. jonas’


  20. jonas’


  21. Dave Cridland

    I was about to say we'll pause here for jonas’ :-)

  22. jonas’

    pep., anything to add?

  23. pep.


  24. jonas’

    my machine is still recovering, and I mostly missed last week editor-wise for private reasons, so I hope pep. has anything to add

  25. pep.

    jonas’, no nothing to add on #840, just that it was forgotten last week

  26. jonas’

    pep., I mean, are there other things for council to look at?

  27. Kev

    I'm +1 on 840,.

  28. Link Mauve

    +1 too.

  29. Dave Cridland

    Yeah, let's do that.

  30. Dave Cridland

    2) Items for a vote

  31. Dave Cridland

    a) https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/840

  32. Dave Cridland

    I see Kev and Link Mauve are both +1.

  33. Dave Cridland

    I am too, this looks like a good precedent to set.

  34. jonas’


  35. Link Mauve

    And Ge0rG will then be on list.

  36. Dave Cridland

    That's 4 of 4 present, and Ge0rG to vote on list.

  37. Dave Cridland

    3) Next Meeting

  38. Dave Cridland

    Same time next week? We should have CS-2020 to consider for Advancement then.

  39. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  40. Link Mauve


  41. pep.

    If too late for this week, items to consider for next week: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pulls?q=is%3Apr+label%3A%22Needs+Council%22+-label%3A%22Needs+Version+Block%22+-label%3A%22Needs+Board%22+-label%3A%22Needs+List+Discussion%22+-label%3A%22Needs+Author%22 :)

  42. pep.

    If labels are not appropriate, I would gladly update them with some guidance

  43. Link Mauve

    Let’s try to do the review of CS-2020 before the meeting so we can vote on it directly.

  44. jonas’

    pep., you missed an "is:open"

  45. pep.


  46. jonas’


  47. pep.


  48. Link Mauve

    https://github.com/xsf/xeps/labels/Needs%20Council is a shorter URL for the same data.

  49. jonas’

    Link Mauve, incorrect

  50. jonas’

    pep.’s URL is deliberately excluding some labels

  51. Link Mauve

    Oh sorry.

  52. Dave Cridland

    Right - all those have been discussed before here.

  53. jonas’

    pep., although, excluding "Needs Version Block" is false

  54. jonas’

    pep., although, excluding "Needs Version Block" is wrong

  55. Dave Cridland

    In any case:

  56. Dave Cridland

    4) AOB

  57. jonas’

    not from me

  58. Dave Cridland


  59. pep.

    jonas’, ok

  60. Dave Cridland

    Looks like we have only three candidates for Council. It'd be good to have a contested election here, so please consider standing (if you're not) and poking others to stand.

  61. Kev

    I'm very reluctant to stand again, I'm supremely time-limited.

  62. Dave Cridland

    As noted, I'm not intending to Chair next year for similar reasons.

  63. Dave Cridland

    But in any case, please do think about who might be a good person on Council, and encourage them to stand.

  64. Dave Cridland

    And anyone reading this in the chatroom probably ought to consider standing. :-)

  65. Dave Cridland

    Anyone have any other any other business?

  66. jonas’

    not from me

  67. Dave Cridland

    OK, assuming we're done then.

  68. Dave Cridland

    5) Ite, Meeting Est.

  69. Dave Cridland

    Thanks all.

  70. jonas’

    thanks Dave

  71. Kev


  72. Link Mauve

    Thanks. :)

  73. Dave Cridland

    I suppose an addendum to the above - the Council selects what time to meet each year, so if you wouldn't stand because these meetings are at an inconvenient time, then that's something that we can change easily if you get elected.

  74. Ge0rG

    I'm +1 on #840, if that still counts.

  75. jonas’

    Ge0rG, you can post to the list, but yeah

  76. theTedd

    Dave Cridland, Kev, Ge0rG, jonas’, Link Mauve: does anyone want to vote on XEP-0292 (vCard4 Over XMPP) ?

  77. Kev

    I probably should have, but won't be doing so today.

  78. jonas’

    theTedd, going to, thanks for the reminder

  79. theTedd

    it expires today, so I thought it's worth the nudge

  80. Ge0rG

    I'm sorry, I totally forgot. My knowledge in that regard is lacking, so I'd go with a +0

  81. jonas’

    Link Mauve ?

  82. Ge0rG

    Also please don't expect me to post to the list any time this week

  83. jonas’

    I hope you get better, soon

  84. Link Mauve

    I thought I already voted on this one, I’m definitely +1.

  85. jonas’

    then it all hinges on Dave Cridland.

  86. Dave Cridland

    +1, if people are happy with it then so am I.

  87. Zash

    Is this a good time to mention that there was a thread prior to the original LC about the contact part, and how it ought to use contact JIDs as item IDs