jdev - 2020-01-05

  1. jonas’

    I think the reason was because people were using it as a server recommender, which was not the goal

  2. lovetox

    thats the purpose

  3. lovetox

    it even says "Randomly suggested compliant servers"

  4. lovetox

    so the page is here to suggest good servers to people

  5. lovetox

    but that was never the question, why i want to see a list of all compliant servers, is so i can maybe choose one from my country for example

  6. lovetox

    so say a server has a srv entry for _xmpp-client

  7. lovetox

    and no entry for xmpps-client

  8. lovetox

    does that mean i only connect to whatever is in _xmpp-client

  9. lovetox

    means i will never try 5223 standard direct ssl port?

  10. MattJ


  11. MattJ


  12. lovetox

    ok good

  13. MattJ

    5223 is not standard

  14. lovetox

    so its expected if a server wants direct ssl he has to define xmpps

  15. MattJ


  16. lovetox

    because xmpps i fairly new

  17. lovetox

    what did servers before that?

  18. MattJ


  19. lovetox

    ok so my order is, check all srv entrys, if the server has one, i only use those

  20. MattJ

    5223 was never a standard, but often servers opened that port as SSL/TLS anyway

  21. lovetox

    if server has no dns srv entrys

  22. MattJ

    and clients would connect there if the user specified it in the connection settings (usually a "legacy SSL" checkbox)

  23. lovetox

    i use 5223 direct ssl, if that fails i try 5222

  24. MattJ

    These days there should be no legacy SSL checkbox (because I said so), but you should do an xmpps SRV lookup

  25. MattJ

    If there is no xmpps then don't connect to 5223 ever

  26. lovetox

    yeah i just want Gajim to work with servers that have no dns entry, so i care about the fallback

  27. lovetox

    because dns entrys is usually nothing you set right up when you configure your server

  28. MattJ

    Hardly any other clients connect to 5223 without explicit configuration

  29. lovetox

    actually nothing tells you to, you would have to look up this in some guide?

  30. lovetox

    do the prosody install docs give a hint that dns srv entrys should be set up?

  31. MattJ


  32. lovetox


  33. lovetox

    ok so i dont do 5223 as fallback

  34. MattJ

    Sounds good

  35. lovetox

    so no dns entrys whatsoever, i do only 5222

  36. MattJ


  37. lovetox

    ok thx

  38. MattJ

    I could be running a totally different server on port 5223 :)

  39. Link Mauve

    5223 has been standardised as some HP virtualisation port.

  40. lovetox

    in a dns A entry

  41. lovetox

    if i set @ as host, it means my root domain

  42. lovetox

    what does it mean if i set "*" as host?