XMPP Service Operators - 2018-04-10

  1. Maranda

    @ping vapaa.xyz

  2. Echo1

    Maranda: Ping failed (policy-violation): Communicating with a blocked remote server is not allowed.

  3. Maranda

    >local total = 0; for jid,session in pairs(full_sessions) do if session.csi_queue then total = total + #session.csi_queue end end print(total); | 1047 | Result: nil

  4. Maranda


  5. Maranda wonders in how much memory does that actually translate.

  6. Maranda

    372KiB of raw stanzas (1152) equals to around 21-23MiBs

  7. Maranda mutters.

  8. Maranda

    or more like 13-14 not that it changes much.

  9. Maranda

    still sucks.

  10. Odin

    -ping soderparr.com

  11. Bunneh

    Odin: Pong from soderparr.com in 5.127 seconds

  12. Odin

    -ping soderparr.com

  13. Bunneh

    Odin: Pong from soderparr.com in 0.127 seconds

  14. Maranda

    -version chinwag.im

  15. Bunneh

    Maranda: chinwag.im is running Prosody version 0.10.0 on Linux

  16. nuron

    -ping trashserver.net

  17. Bunneh

    nuron: Pong from trashserver.net in 2.917 seconds

  18. vanitasvitae

    -ping jabberhead.tk

  19. Bunneh

    vanitasvitae: Pong from jabberhead.tk in 7.709 seconds

  20. vanitasvitae


  21. Martin

    -ping mdosch.de

  22. Bunneh

    Martin: Pong from mdosch.de in 0.038 seconds