XMPP Service Operators - 2018-04-15

  1. Maranda

    @ping jabber.org

  2. Echo1

    Maranda: Pong from jabber.org in 0.052 seconds

  3. Maranda

    Yay Echo1 got an avatar too now :P

  4. Maranda

    -version xabber.de

  5. Maranda


  6. Maranda is purging gmail.com and dukgo.com from user rosters.

  7. nuron

    > Yay Echo1 got an avatar too now :P Very nice 😆

  8. SouL


  9. SouL

    Why do you remove people's contacts?!

  10. SouL

    I have old gmail contacts just as a contact list

  11. Maranda

    SouL, because with broadcasts they consume resources with lookups?

  12. Maranda


  13. Maranda has to keep it tidy for everyone.

  14. Maranda

    SouL, and I got a small server try figuring what happens on a bigger one.

  15. Maranda

    and looks / trying to open a stream to a dead server **

  16. Maranda

    @ping yahoo.com

  17. Echo1

    Maranda: Ping failed (remote-server-not-found): Server-to-server connection failed: connection-timeout

  18. Martin

    @ping mdosch.de

  19. Echo1

    Martin: Pong from mdosch.de in 2.950 seconds