XMPP Service Operators - 2018-11-20

  1. Neustradamus

    More and more XMPP spammers...

  2. Licaon_Kter

    Neustradamus: since XMPP is soooo popular :)

  3. Link Mauve

    Neustradamus, report them to their server admins.

  4. Ge0rG

    report the domains to the ISP

  5. Link Mauve

    If the server admin doesn’t reply, report them to the server’s ISP.

  6. Ge0rG

    I've got blackjabber.cc and 0nl1ne.cc shut down twice already, each time for ~1day

  7. Neustradamus

    Ge0rG: I know...

  8. Ge0rG


  9. Ge0rG

    I'm sure I reported that one already as well

  10. Link Mauve

    I’ve reported deshalbfrei.org/draugr.de multiple times already, and got a new one just now…

  11. Neustradamus

    a list: blackjabber.cc, 0nl1ne.cc, xabber.de, jabber.cd, draugr.de, unstable.nl, jabberes.org, simple-systems.ru, xmpp.re, ubuntu-jabber.de, j3ws.biz, kolporter.com.pl, call2ru.com, legalize.li, jabber.tcpreset.net, beepconnect.com, itkad.ru, securejabber.me, onex.rooseveltdc.com, jabber.sibnet.ru, gnude.feste-ip.net, gug9sch.xyz, darkengine.biz, aquilius.de, jabber.hasufell.com, chat.hoferr.ch, xjabber.org, blug.moe, paranoid.scarab.name, xmpp.su, miranda.im, jabber.netzgehirn.de, fin77.info, nyarghr.com, sj.ms, privat-jabber.com, andrzejszczepaniak.co.uk, xmpp.hsbp.org, xmpp.sh,

  12. Link Mauve

    Neustradamus, go ahead and report it to them.

  13. Link Mauve

    Alongside users and timestamps.

  14. Link Mauve

    I already contacted a bunch of those, if you do it too they may actually react before their ISP shuts them down.