XMPP Service Operators - 2020-01-18

  1. perflyst

    does anyone know about playstation using xmpp? i did not found any information online but 5222 and 5269 are the only open ports on it

  2. tom

    A lot of videos games use xmpp internally

  3. Ge0rG

    perflyst: an xmpp server on your playstation? which one?

  4. tom

    Especially MMOs

  5. perflyst


  6. Ge0rG

    tom: yes, but there the console connects to a central server

  7. Ge0rG

    perflyst: can you connect to it with an xmpp client?

  8. tom

    There's a XEP for internal p2p xmpp communication

  9. tom

    So you don't /have/ to go out to a central server to pass stanzas

  10. perflyst

    i will test

  11. Ge0rG

    https://portforward.com/fortnite/ lists incoming 5222 for PC and 6667(WTF!) for Switch

  12. Ge0rG

    tom: that doesn't make much sense, I think

  13. Ge0rG

    but maybe it does indeed

  14. tom

    Oh that

  15. tom

    If it's not rally an XMPP server listening it probably has something to do with Chinese censorship

  16. tom

    Maybe those ports are not firewalled as much in china would be my guess

  17. perflyst

    oh wait

  18. tom

    Otherwise you may want to look into this https://xmpp.org/extensions/attic/xep-0174-0.14.html

  19. perflyst

    if i open IP:5222 in browser i see requests in my local prosody running somewhere completely else

  20. perflyst


  21. Ge0rG

    you what?

  22. Ge0rG

    do you have some port forwarding on your pc?

  23. perflyst

    ooops, now i see my opnsense has a LAN .2.x and port forwards into .178.x which is another LAN it results in that i should exclude local networks

  24. perflyst

    ps4 has no xmpp server

  25. perflyst

    yup, thats it, no xmpp server on it^^

  26. tom


  27. tom

    That would have been fun

  28. tom

    There were instances in the past where you could join any game session in some MMOs with an XMPP server and start chatting with the players

  29. Ge0rG

    I did that in League of Legends. Until I got bothered by the XML in <body> invitations coming from my friends who saw me "online"

  30. Link Mauve

    tom, note that 0.14 is a pretty old version of XEP-0174, you probably wanted to link to the latest version: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.xml

  31. tom
