XSF Discussion - 2015-10-16

  1. Zash

    Ge0rG: inline signing, s/in/on/ ?

  2. Zash

    Haven't seen inline before in this context, but it sounds like you mean online signing

  3. xnyhps

    Zash: Well the BIND feature really appears to be called "inline-signing"

  4. Zash

    I think PowerDNS calls it online signing

  5. dwd

    Ge0rG, That blog post looks good. I might have to try it all out; there's a free DNSSEC anycast slave service run by a guy I know that I've been meaning to use.

  6. Kevish

    "I know a guy"

  7. dwd


  8. intosi

    I have been using inline signing in BIND for quite a while now. Very useful.

  9. Zash

    I do offline signing, in which the signatures are embedded in the zone file. Almost like they are inlined. Imagine my confusion.

  10. dwd

    Kevish, Been thinking about PEP, MUC2/MIX, and MAM, BTW - I think we need a way to distinguish between ephemeral and whatever-the-opposite-of-that-is events. I think MAM currently distinguishes these purely on the basis of containing a <body/>, but I think the reality is more complex than that.

  11. Zash

    Not sure how you would use a slave server with online signing

  12. Zash

    dwd: Stanza profiles?

  13. dwd

    Possibly, but I think it might need per-event processing. If MUC2/MIX sends real message stanzas (as opposed to pubsub events) it's simpler, but otherwise non of those will be captured by MAM.

  14. Kevish

    dwd: Could be.

  15. Zash

    I kinda wanted to use type == chat or has body

  16. dwd

    Zash, I would prefer as simple a rule as possible, as well.

  17. Zash

    Currently enjoying my archive being 90% chat states

  18. ralphm


  19. Kevish

    But isn't that useful?

  20. Kevish

    I'd have thought it'd be important to know that before they sent am essage, your contact started typing it.

  21. Kevish

    Useful detection that your contact isn't a bot, for example.

  22. Zash

    I'd like to say in the mam query 'only messages with a body, please'

  23. Kevish

    Zash: Nothing stops your server offering such a thing.

  24. Kevish

    Given the data forms.

  25. dwd

    Zash, Well, that's another issue - filtered MAM queries, since you want to have clients pull, say, geoloc events as well as chat.

  26. Kevish

    Yeah, we've got that already.

  27. Kevish

    Just shove whatever you want in a data form.

  28. Zash

    Kevish: my laziness and desire for a simple implementation does

  29. Kevish

    And then, if necessary, standardise the form fields.

  30. dwd

    Kevish, I'm not claiming it's difficult to do.

  31. dwd

    Kevish, Just claiming that we'll need to address these things.

  32. Kevish

    Right, I was saying that we have addressed 'these things' as much as we need to generally.

  33. Kevish

    And it's just a case of speccing (or not) each individual thing that needs handling.

  34. ralphm

    what about things like pubsub notifications with body elements for clients dat don't support pubsub?

  35. ralphm

    I've seen useful applications of that, using type=chat, too, by the way.

  36. Kevish

    ralphm: I think that in this day and age that's a bad thing, because it's going to mess with so much.

  37. ralphm

    (I suppose I'm not opposed to MAMing pubsub, but hey, I wanted to bring it up)

  38. Kevish

    (Outside closed systems that can do whatever they want)

  39. Zash

    ralphm: PubSub has stuff for configuring that right ?

  40. ralphm

    Zash: the protocol might have. Implementations, I don't know.

  41. dwd

    There is, of course, the <no-store/> hint.

  42. Ge0rG

    Zash: re DNSSEC online/inline signing, you can also run a hidden primary that does the signing...

  43. Zash

    Ge0rG: I could, I have two slaves.

  44. Ge0rG

    Zash: sex slaves, I hope.

  45. Kevish


  46. Zash

    I'm sorry. I'll guess it's my head when the robot revolution comes

  47. Ge0rG

    Kevish: sorry. I tried hard to come up with a good SJW argument and failed.

  48. Zash

    The menu on new.xmpp.org doesn't appear to work on my phone

  49. Ge0rG

    Dear HN sock puppets, ehrm... I mean, dear proponents of XMPP on HN, please contribute to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10400184 / http://op-co.de/blog/posts/yax_im_dnssec/

  50. SamWhited

    'dat HN title...

  51. Ge0rG

    SamWhited: it's the post title, and HN policy is not to edit titles.

  52. SamWhited

    Is it? I feel like most HN posts have a descriptive title... interesting.

  53. Ge0rG

    SamWhited: probably because the original titles are descriptive as well.

  54. intosi

    Looks like people are playing techno buzz bingo on HN

  55. Ge0rG

    intosi : yes they are.

  56. ralphm

    Given that the article has 'I' in there, who wrote it? Why isn't the author's name visible near the post?

  57. ralphm

    Ge0rG: (I assume it was you)

  58. Ge0rG

    ralphm: I did. It's on my personal blog, which is based on ikiwiki, which is rather arcane.

  59. ralphm

    Ge0rG: you can't get an author's name in there anywhere, but have funky titles with mixed markup?

  60. Ge0rG

    ralphm: there is no mixed markup in the title. the long version of the title is merely bold text.

  61. ralphm

    Oh, I thought the subtitle was a separate thing

  62. SamWhited

    Just submitted a new protoxep for something at work; if anyone's an XML schema expert, would you mind reviewing? I just copy/pasted from another spec and changed the namespaces/element names; no clue if it's remotely correct: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/110

  63. SamWhited

    more direct link: https://github.com/hipchat/xeps/blob/attach_to/inbox/attachto.xml#L156

  64. Kev

    Schemas for Experimental are optional.

  65. SamWhited

    Oh, that makes sense; shouldn't have bothered. Oh well.

  66. Kev

    Saves you time later.