XSF Discussion - 2017-11-12

  1. marc

    Ge0rG, jonasw Invitation POC works nice with Gajim+ejabberd+Conversations

  2. marc

    Btw, there is already an "account creation" URI scheme in xep-0077

  3. marc


  4. marc

    I would extend it to xmpp:exmaple.com?register;invite-token=TOKEN

  5. lovetox

    Flow, if you have some time to spare, please lets rewrite the openpgp xep

  6. lovetox

    it seems not a good idea to put keys into pubsub nodes, that we get notified of at every start

  7. lovetox

    we need a approach like omemo does it, or something different

  8. lovetox

    that tells us when the node has changed without sending us the whole content

  9. lovetox

    that tells us when the item has changed without sending us the whole content