XSF Discussion - 2018-06-21

  1. flow

    > labdsf> flow, what if someone sents silent messages to bare JID?

  2. flow

    rfc612(0|1) routing rules apply

  3. flow

    and possibly carbons or im-ng routing rules

  4. MattJ

    labdsf, correct

  5. ralphm


  6. Guus


  7. ralphm set the topic to

    XSF Board Meeting | Logs: http://logs.xmpp.org/xsf/ | Agenda https://trello.com/b/Dn6IQOu0/board-meetings

  8. ralphm bangs gavel

  9. ralphm

    0. Welcome and Agenda

  10. ralphm

    Who do we have?

  11. ralphm

    And what do you have?

  12. MattJ


  13. Guus

    Here, headache.

  14. ralphm

    Be well, sir.

  15. Guus

    instant cure: less webrtc

  16. ralphm

    I've been swamped in other stuff, so I know the feeling.

  17. ralphm

    Was there a meeting last week? I was tied up in another (work) meeting.

  18. MattJ

    There wasn't

  19. MattJ

    Oh, on this topic, I contacted Martin a couple of weeks ago

  20. MattJ

    He moved house, job and other stuff, he said he'll be back online as soon as he can

  21. ralphm

    Oh, that's good to hear.

  22. ralphm

    I don't feel we have anything pressing at the moment.

  23. jonasw


  24. MattJ

    The two items on my radar are the GDPR team and the survey

  25. ralphm


  26. ralphm

    Let's start with

  27. ralphm

    1. Survey

  28. MattJ

    I'll take minutes too

  29. ralphm


  30. MattJ

    Survey is easy... I simply haven't had time to do anything with the results yet

  31. ralphm


  32. MattJ

    I have them in a spreadsheet, but the format is non-trivial to get useful overviews from currently, it needs a bit of processing

  33. MattJ

    Stupid things like it put the ratings as text strings instead of numbers, so it's "(1) Poor" to "(5) Excellent", etc.

  34. ralphm

    Right. Take your time to get that right then.

  35. ralphm


  36. MattJ

    and I've just been a bit busy the past couple of weeks

  37. ralphm

    Same here.

  38. MattJ

    But yeah, it's top of my todo, so hopefully by next week we can discuss it

  39. MattJ

    Nothing else to report

  40. ralphm


  41. ralphm

    2. GDPR

  42. ralphm

    Did we get an answer from Alex?

  43. MattJ

    I sent him some messages, but he didn't respond

  44. Guus

    Did we ask Alex? 🙂

  45. MattJ

    I can ping him again

  46. MattJ

    I also pinged Winfried, who said his time is limited but he'd be happy to help where he can

  47. Guus


  48. ralphm


  49. MattJ

    I don't think we will have that much to do, I'm willing to take on the iteam part of things, for the most part

  50. ralphm

    Right, probably mostly making the inventory itself

  51. MattJ

    so I see the two steps as 1) inventory of data 2) analysis of what actions we need to take for each of those

  52. ralphm

    And the Privacy Policy

  53. MattJ

    and that

  54. ralphm


  55. ralphm

    3. AOB

  56. MattJ

    None here

  57. Guus

    nor here

  58. Guus

    I'll be awol for two weeks, starting july 13th.

  59. ralphm

    So that brings us into

  60. ralphm

    4. Date of Next

  61. Guus

    +1w works for me.

  62. ralphm

    I'm sure there will be other vacation plans. I'm just going to keep assuming a meeting every week and see if we get quorum

  63. ralphm

    +1W it is

  64. ralphm

    5. Close

  65. ralphm

    Thanks all!

  66. ralphm bangs gavel

  67. Guus

    thank you!

  68. Guus

    back to me MediaTrackConstraints 😞

  69. ralphm set the topic to

    XSF Discussion | Logs: http://logs.xmpp.org/xsf/ | Agenda https://trello.com/b/Dn6IQOu0/board-meetings

  70. MattJ


  71. ralphm

    Guus: good luck with that

  72. ralphm

    (and the headache)

  73. Guus


  74. Guus

    more coffee.

  75. edhelas

    I'm just dropping this link here again as it might interest you https://nl.movim.eu/?about#caps_widget_tab it's some clients statistics generated from the presences that I've cached

  76. Guus


  77. daniel

    edhelas: what's the user base for that? Users on movim.eu or also remote servers.

  78. edhelas

    yeah on this nl.movim.eu pod, so I'm not expecting to have 5% of Movim clients worldwide

  79. edhelas

    also Movim users (and their related JIDs) are close to the XMPP community as well so aware of "modern clients"

  80. daniel

    Is this over the total number of presences? Or total number of full jids?

  81. edhelas

    but it's basically compiled from all the full jid yes (they are merged across the connected accounts as well, see https://github.com/movim/movim/blob/master/app/widgets/Caps/Caps.php#L68)

  82. labdsf

    https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-exploding-messages https://keybase.io/docs/crypto/ephemeral (one more messenger implements ephemeral messages)

  83. labdsf

    > The goal is that even if an attacker steals one of your encrypted exploding messages from our server, and then later steals one of your devices and all the keys on it, there should still be no way for the attacker to decrypt the message.

  84. labdsf

    By the way, it seems all these messengers (signal, keybase, wire) expose user device list to contacts, probably because it is way easier to manage keys this way. Somewhat related to recent MIX discussion: trying to hide multiple devices behind a pseudonym limits interaction to simple chat. File transfers, calls, etc. rely on direct interaction anyway.

  85. labdsf

    > I'm just dropping this link here again as it might interest you https://nl.movim.eu/?about#caps_widget_tab it's some clients statistics generated from the presences that I've cached "Conversations" is listed twice, 50% and 2.3%