XSF Discussion - 2018-10-27

  1. Seve

    I'm not getting those emais still :(

  2. Ge0rG

    Given a list of jabber servers, I need to find out which ones offer IBR. Any ideas how to pull that off? jonas’' aioxmpp bot skills maybe?

  3. flow

    Ge0rG, I've a Smack REPL script which does something like that

  4. flow

    filtering a list of XMPP (server) addresses if they support IBR

  5. flow


  6. flow

    let me know if you are interested, I could dig it out or simply recreate it

  7. Ge0rG

    flow: last time I failed to get smack repl to run

  8. Ge0rG would like to filter the jabber.at list by IBR, it seems to be the best one for the yaxim account creation dialog

  9. daniel

    Ge0rG: https://compliance.conversations.im/api/compliant_servers/

  10. Ge0rG

    daniel: those are the 100% servers? What about IBR?

  11. daniel

    Those are 100% servers that have ibr

  12. Ge0rG

    And how am I supposed to endorse a list that doesn't even have yax.im on it? 😜

  13. Ge0rG

    daniel: thanks

  14. daniel

    Footnote: some servers might advertise ibr before Auth even though they don't support it

  15. Ge0rG

    daniel: can I get a full data set, including all the features and IBR? I'd like to loosen the requirements a bit

  16. daniel

    Because 20 servers aren't enough?

  17. daniel

    PR welcome but we don't have that yet

  18. Zash

    Isn't that thing fairly specific to the requirements of Conversations?

  19. Zash

    Ie making things mandatory that don't matter for Yaxim

  20. daniel

    Sure. But I figure that every requirement is a subset of Conversations requirements

  21. Zash

    I disagree

  22. daniel

    In what particular case?

  23. Zash

    Yaxim doesn't do OMEMO for example, but that appears to be a mandatory thing according to the thing.

  24. daniel

    Right. But that's what I meant by subset. It doesn't hurt yaxim. So the list might be smaller than it could be

  25. daniel

    But if the list is already big enough that might not be a problem

  26. Ge0rG

    But it's not big enough, and this is a problem.

  27. Zash

    I'm also very sceptical of blindly chasing green checkmarks

  28. Zash

    Being good at getting green checkmarks doesn't necessarily make you a good admin

  29. daniel

    > I'm also very sceptical of blindly chasing green checkmarks I'm very very sceptical of any automated mechanism to suggest servers in the app

  30. daniel

    I personally wouldn't do that for Conversations

  31. daniel

    I'm just about gathering data and letting other people use that data for what ever

  32. Ge0rG

    daniel: you have the new 0392 colors already, could you post a Screenshot of the colored nicknames in here?

  33. daniel


  34. flow

    Ge0rG, what was the error message when you tried to run the REPL? Let me know if I can be of help

  35. Ge0rG

    daniel: thanks, matches to my new output as well. Must be poezio at fault then...

  36. Ge0rG

    flow: it's been a while. I'll ping you next time I try