XSF Discussion - 2019-05-13

  1. Alex

    Memberbot is online for our Q2-2019 elections

  2. Zash

    So it begins.

  3. MattJ

    Voted :)

  4. MattJ

    So many new applicants, it's good to see

  5. Alex

    ya, I like it

  6. intosi

    Voted. Thanks again, Alex.

  7. pep.

    How many Tigase members do we have already?

  8. pep.

    hmm, we're probably far from the limit anyway, nvm

  9. jonas’

    Zash, how hard would it be to link https://xmpp.org/chat?xsf via disco#info on xsf@muc.xmpp.org?

  10. jonas’

    while I’m at extending muchopper, I can include that right away

  11. Zash

    jonas’: Trivial, if you want a quick hack.

  12. Wojtek

    pep.: that would be 3 members from Tigase :-)

  13. jonas’

    Zash, I can live with a quick hack, the question is whether iteam approves

  14. Wojtek

    btw. any hope of getting https://trello.com/c/rE4U4B8Z/342-tigase-would-like-to-use-the-xmpp-logo or https://trello.com/c/rE4U4B8Z/342-tigase-would-like-to-use-the-xmpp-logo advanced? would be nice to have https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/551 merged

  15. Zash

    Is there a disco#info feature/form field defined?

  16. jonas’

    Zash, not as far as I know

  17. jonas’

    does anyone have a suggestion what unicode thing to use as icon for linking to the logs?

  18. Wojtek

    pep.: scratch that, it's 4 members - mea culpa

  19. Zash

    jonas’: There's a couple representing files, maybe a scroll even.

  20. jonas’

    I chose U+1f4c5 (calendar) for now

  21. Zash

    U+1F4DC SCROLL 📜

  22. jonas’

    oh, that’s nicer

  23. jonas’


  24. jonas’

    the change is live, but it’s still collecting URLs, so it may take a while for stuff to show up

  25. wurstsalat

    that looks nice!

  26. pep.

    Wojtek, ok, the limit is at 15%, there's 46 names in the list atm, so 6.8 members (if we reach that number I guess we'll give you a choice to cut or remove somebody). I don't know if the 15% apply before or after the election though (there's quite a bunch a new members this quarter)

  27. Wojtek

    pep.: thanks - is there any other team possibly facing similar "issue"?

  28. jonas’

    not as far as I know

  29. Ge0rG

    jonas’: how's the bot federation going?

  30. jonas’

    sorry what?

  31. Zash


  32. Ge0rG

    jonas’: bot@yax.im is waiting for updated muc data

  33. jonas’


  34. jonas’


  35. jonas’

    did I mention that things take longer than expected?

  36. jonas’

    I reinsatlled the new machine today because fixing the partition layout was harder than that

  37. jonas’

    it’s now rebuilding

  38. Ge0rG

    Yes, some weeks ago.

  39. jonas’

    I’m paying extra for each day, so be assured that I’m working hard on this

  40. jonas’

    I also have developed a talent for executing destructive commands on the wrong machine, which isn’t exactly helping in making progress

  41. jonas’

    not to mention that I was stuck for three days or something because I forgot to install systemd-container

  42. jonas’

    I’m having lots of fun over here, thanks for asking ;)

  43. Ge0rG

    Have fun!

  44. jonas’

    (I knew I should’ve just launched the mod_pubsub on a Component "mirror@search.jabbercat.org" instead of a subdomain)

  45. Ge0rG

    I'm having a holiday, so no updates to my bot in the next two weeks anyway.

  46. jonas’

    i see

  47. j.r

    Hi, we are about to start a XMPP Meetup in Dresden and someone said I should add it to the Repo although if we are still at the very beginning... could someone create/give me an Account at the wiki so that I could do this?

  48. pep.

    https://xmpp.org/community/events.html here you mean?

  49. pep.

    Or a sprint?

  50. j.r

    pep., no https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Meetups

  51. pep.


  52. pep.


  53. pep.

    j.r, you might also want to update the events page anyway :)

  54. j.r

    pep., yeah but we need to finde a date for a first meetup... then I could add an event

  55. pep.

    I'm always curious what XMPP users talk about in an XMPP meetup, can somebody cue me in?

  56. pep.

    j.r, sure

  57. j.r

    > I'm always curious what XMPP users talk about in an XMPP meetup, can somebody cue me in? They meet and talk about Problems, new Projects etc

  58. pep.

    For french speakers / residents: https://www.april.org/urgent-mobilisez-vous-contactez-senateurs-et-senatrices-pour-la-priorite-au-logiciel-libre-dans-l-ed