XSF Communications Team - 2018-03-06

  1. Ge0rG

    So does the commteam have access to the @xmpp twitter account by now? :)

  2. jcbrand

    Ge0rG: I have been given access

  3. jcbrand

    nyco already had access

  4. Ge0rG


  5. jcbrand

    Ge0rG: any reason in particular why you asked? 🙂

  6. Ge0rG

    jcbrand: I wanted to get a mention of the EVE article back when it was published, but my requests over in xsf@ were ignored, and nobody told me who is technically capable of doing it.

  7. Ge0rG

    jcbrand: so I wanted to follow up before the next hot topic arises

  8. jcbrand

    ok, yeah we can definitely retweet and quote things like that more