Good morning everyone. When will be the next newsletter sent out?
Reaching the end of the month I would say.
Last one was sent around 30th or something
I'd like to add https://github.com/ge0rg/jabber-spam-fighting-manifesto/blob/tor/Freedom-and-Anonymity.md to the newsletter, but it's not quite public yet ;)
Also hoping for some feedback from people who already signed the Manifesto.
Ok, cool Ge0rG. There's time still. Unless jc has another plan that I don't know. But should be possible to put it in. Just let us know when it's ready :)
Hi All, I know this might not directly be XMPP related, but perhaps it's something worth commenting on. The NIST has released a draft document on standardization of security of IoT. Inside, they mention XMPP as a transmission technology under Network security area of concern.
They only list XMPP as under development, I think we can probably boost the status of the protocol by submitting a comment since the protocol can likely have guidence available, and have commercial avaibility according to the maturity level chart listed on page 61
The landing page for the document is here The document here: https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/nistir/8200/draft
Comment period ends April 18th, I think this is something, we, the commteam should draft and submit
Daniel_W: are you volunteering to do this?
I feel I might be inadequate to do so on my own, I can draft a comment, but I'd like to have somebody look it over
Sounds like a start. Is there someone specific you'd like to review it? We can send it out to all commteam members
I think anybody who wants a say on the commteam would be fine. I don't have anybody specific, but as I've not been on the XSF for nearly as long as you guys, I'd feel more comfortable if somebody with more experience could make sure I'm not making incorrect assumptions
Also, if the comment had the backing of an XSF workteam, it would render a stronger opinion IMO
Daniel_W: I'm also not that long in the XSF yet, but we have a team, so let's see what we come up with.