XSF Communications Team - 2019-09-30

  1. nyco


  2. nyco

    lots of reviews, thx very much!

  3. nyco

    one last check before tomorrow merge-and-deploy? :)

  4. nyco


  5. nyco

    how about such a tweet today? "The XSF commTeam is finalising the next newsletter to be published this Tuesday 1st of October, covering the month of September: https://xmpp.org/newsletter.html"

  6. nyco

    +16 subscribers to the newsletter this month, that 6+% growth

  7. nyco


  8. nyco

    this month is our worst click rate so far

  9. nyco

    I explain this by the new specifications section

  10. nyco

    we continue the experiment, and we'll survey at the end of year

  11. nyco

    > how about such a tweet today? "The XSF commTeam is finalising the next newsletter to be published this Tuesday 1st of October, covering the month of September: https://xmpp.org/newsletter.html"

  12. SouL

    Tomorrow we are tweeting about it again, right?

  13. arnaudj

    Good ! I would add a “call to action” verb before the link, maybe “subscribe”

  14. SouL

    I would say maybe subscribe before it is published or something

  15. SouL

    arnaudj, you are too fast!

  16. SouL


  17. arnaudj

    SouL: Sometimes, not often! 😃

  18. nyco

    " The XSF commTeam is finalising the next newsletter to be published this Tuesday 1st of October, covering the month of September Subscribe before we send it: https://xmpp.org/newsletter.html "

  19. SouL

    " Subscribe before we send it! https://xmpp.org/newsletter.html "

  20. SouL

    just to sound more exciting :D

  21. SouL

    let's gooo

  22. arnaudj

    Go go go!

  23. arnaudj

    Thank you nyco

  24. nyco


  25. nyco


  26. nyco

    please retweet

  27. nyco

    so now, what tweet do we send tomorrow?

  28. nyco

    that's Tuesday what about Wednesday and Thursday?

  29. SouL

    It could start like "As promised yesterday [...]"

  30. nyco

    " The XMPP newsletter is out! [link] Read it while it is fresh Please subscribe to receive the next one in your inbox Share and Like this tweet! "

  31. nyco

    I would avoid using relative times on social media, as a post can last a few days I usually go for absolute dates

  32. SouL

    I have to agree with you, you are right, yes

  33. SouL

    Your tweet sounds good to me!

  34. nyco


  35. Martin

    So it is out already?

  36. nyco


  37. nyco

    the tweet, yes

  38. nyco

    please check the link

  39. nyco

    > https://twitter.com/xmpp/status/1178646822803386369

  40. nyco

    and please Like/Retweet, if you want

  41. nyco

    for the newsletter, that's tomorrow: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/News_and_Articles_for_the_next_XMPP_Newsletter#Planning

  42. Martin

    The newsletter. As I still don't understand how I can attach my commits to your PR. I'm no dev so github sometimes is irritating me. I just used the edit in your branch and githab made PRS out of it...

  43. Martin


  44. SouL

    I would not add any changes, Martin. Just add a comment and the person working on that PR can make the changes after

  45. nyco

    I'm no dev either

  46. nyco

    for this month, opening up the newsletter-making to other people has been a huge pain

  47. nyco

    > some people feed me one thing back, some tell other things, even opposite sometimes

  48. nyco

    > the process remains open, progresses each week/month, there is still much room for improvement

  49. nyco

    > > I juggle with Mediawiki markup, then Markdown for Pelican on our blog, then Tinyletter's WYSIWYG > please ease my job, do no complexify it, it is already super hard

  50. Martin

    nyco: sorry, I didn't want to make it difficult for you, I just wanted to improve it.

  51. nyco

    I know the intention, thx very much

  52. nyco

    I still have a work in parallel, that has been a time block hole this month

  53. nyco

    *black hole

  54. nyco

    so, I observe many more people wanna contribute, that is excellent, thx very much to all

  55. nyco

    but today, our tools don't scale

  56. nyco

    the reference has always been https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/News_and_Articles_for_the_next_XMPP_Newsletter will remain there for... I don't know how long

  57. nyco

    this wiki page is cool to host the checklist, planning, etc.

  58. nyco

    but it's not Markdown

  59. Martin

    Anyway I don't have time to dig in to github thingies today. So maybe someone who has time and knowhow can put the stuff from my PR tlin the right form. I will check out this review thing this month and do it properly next time.

  60. nyco

    on GitHub, I did not see a Markdown validation/test thing

  61. nyco

    yes, time and tools, I agree

  62. nyco

    we can definitely do BaC :) (Blog as Code)

  63. nyco

    but I wouldn't do a month-long PR

  64. nyco

    that's during the link collection/aggregation

  65. MattJ

    nyco, I just submitted a couple of suggestions

  66. nyco


  67. MattJ

    One was selfish, we just made a Prosody release ;)

  68. nyco


  69. nyco

    changes ported @Martin

  70. Martin

    nyco: thanks a lot

  71. emus

    Hi, you are looking for people making the German translations?

  72. pep.

    nyco, no promises, but if we publish a blog post/something about this weekend's sprint tonight, can that get into the newsletter? When do you publish it?

  73. nyco

    > Hi, you are looking for people making the German translations? the JabberFr team translates it in French, I guess German would be super cool

  74. nyco

    pep. is it possible to push that online tonight? if yes, then... let's negociate: what's your price??? :)

  75. pep.

    nyco, what's your price :P

  76. pep.

    we don't have an article yet

  77. nyco

    how much time?

  78. nyco

    can you write without too much pressure?

  79. pep.

    Ok the current mood is "we can get it into the next one" :x

  80. pep.

    I also do have a deadline for tomorrow and I've got lots of stuff to write down

  81. pep.

    Sorry for the trouble

  82. nyco

    no trouble

  83. nyco

    this leaves us time to start the translation in French

  84. emus

    > the JabberFr team translates it in French, I guess German would be super cool Ok, probably cant make it for this release but for the next one with some more time in advance

  85. emus

    Or is translation afterwards possible as well

  86. pep.

    emus, yeah you can certainly translate it afterwards :)

  87. emus

    Thought so, fine 🙂