XSF Communications Team - 2019-10-02

  1. nyco

    I believe the calls should of a minimum quality, otherwise that would be a wrong message to send to our audience like we are begging

  2. nyco

    there, I managed to surface my fear

  3. nyco

    what would be our criteria?

  4. SouL

    What kind of cases would we stumble upon? 1- App X is looking for chinese translators 2-?

  5. jcbrand

    I think this is the wrong way around. I don't particularly care wether Converse has Indonesian translations and won't ask for them. It's up to Indonesian users to ask for translations or to contribute them

  6. jcbrand

    Concerning other requests, like dev work out bug fixes, I'd be surprised if any new contributions happened this way.

  7. jcbrand

    Fixing things or adding features is hard work and people need to be intrinsically motivated. A request in a newsletter of unlikely to make a difference IMO

  8. jcbrand

    Fixing things or adding features is hard work and people need to be intrinsically motivated. A request in a newsletter is unlikely to make a difference IMO

  9. emus

    > Fixing things or adding features is hard work and people need to be intrinsically motivated. A request in a newsletter of unlikely to make a difference IMO > Fixing things or adding features is hard work and people need to be intrinsically motivated. A request in a newsletter is unlikely to make a difference IMO First of all the language was just an example. I don`t know to what cases someone would call for help. Personally, I think if devs get to a new field of what ever or they are stuck for a long time, they can communicate this, and maybe there is someone haveing a clue how to progress. I think the idea is not that you get the solution served, but create new connections/ insights across projects, because others see where other projects struggling or working on. Maybe this is not interesting for you, but others might profit from this. XMPP is decentral, and you never see what going on everywhere, I would give it a try. I hope that offers a tiny, but new way of cross-project communication

  10. nyco

    I like that

  11. emus

    I mean, if that result in shit or non-sense or no one uses it we drop the idea