XSF Communications Team - 2019-12-23

  1. DebXWoody

    Nÿco: https://machteburch.social/@Lars_Roskoden/103345517958045221 maybe feedback form XSF?

  2. Nÿco

    to me bridges suck, massive planetary waste we (the XMPP community) used to have transports, and that was not worth

  3. DebXWoody

    I was more thinking to support the idea of a MUC room + let them know that there is a community of they have questions about xmpp. Or something like this.

  4. Nÿco

    they know us TDF has the policy to let local communities grow and use the tools they want, the TDF role is only to federate them all

  5. DebXWoody

    I see.