XSF Communications Team - 2020-01-09

  1. Nÿco

    thx for those links!

  2. Nÿco

    I'm copywriting the newsletter, so I lock the wiki page :)

  3. Nÿco


  4. Nÿco

    a lot of people contributed this month: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/index.php?title=XMPP_Newsletter_January_2020&action=history thanks a lot everybody, merci ! :)

  5. Licaon_Kter

    Nÿco: too late to include this advisory? https://github.com/ThomasLeister/prosody-filer/security/advisories/GHSA-qmfx-75ff-8mw6

  6. vanitasvitae

    Licaon_Kter: +1

  7. Nÿco

    ok, so what should our policy be? my untold policy was: a news/info/release published a month is covered by the newsletter at the beginning of the next month can this be kept? and we do an exception for alerts?

  8. emus

    I think the last one is okay. but you are discussing to alter the previous newsleter after release?

  9. pep.

    I'm also in favor of including security stuff to reach the most people possible

  10. emus

    But I wonder if changes to a release version make sense?

  11. Nÿco

    I don't know about security advisories they should be released/published/relayd as soon as they arrive here, we only do a curation process, which happens once a month, so an alter could be one month old, which does not serve the purpore

  12. emus

    But wait, go a step back, this is a Newsletter

  13. emus

    We are not a security ticker

  14. Nÿco

    a newsletter published should not be touched, for be, because it is not reposted/re-relayed

  15. Nÿco

    I agree @emus

  16. emus

    Of course we should inform about it, but we shouldnt spam. we rather can provide or collected background ibformation about it

  17. Nÿco

    a summary of last month alerts is... well... not very useful

  18. emus

    I would release important cases or refer to a ticker we run ourselfs seprarately

  19. Nÿco

    it is our duty as a commteam, but the newsletter is not the right vehicle

  20. emus

    Sometimes there are also blog posts with more ibfornation, could be put also in there

  21. emus

    > it is our duty as a commteam, but the newsletter is not the right vehicle Yes, maybe we need an extra tracker

  22. emus

    The newsletter can inform about the trackers exisitence

  23. Nÿco

    https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/XMPP_Newsletter_January_2020 is copywritten, empty sections cleaned up

  24. Nÿco

    I'll go on git now

  25. Nÿco

    (just added the translations)

  26. emus

    > (just added the translations) What fo you meant?

  27. Nÿco

    sorry, not clear: in the current January newsletter, I have added links to translations of the previous newsletter

  28. Nÿco

    https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/667 is ready for your reviews!