XSF Communications Team - 2020-05-21

  1. emus

    jcbrand, SouL: I want to publish a tweet about reminding people to put their news to the Newsletter draft on Github. Some time ago one of you already did that already. How do you handle the access to Twitter?

  2. SouL

    Nÿco: I don't have access 👆

  3. jcbrand

    emus: I can't give you access, I think Kevin is the person to ask, but you need to join the commteam first. If you paste your tweet message here, I'll post it.

  4. pep.

    jcbrand, emus is in the team now :)

  5. pep.

    Board approved it last week

  6. jcbrand

    Ah ok, welcome! Then Kev work should be able to help with Twitter access

  7. emus

    😅 alright

  8. Nÿco

    To what?

  9. emus

    Nÿco: I want to publish a tweet about the Newsletter