XSF Communications Team - 2020-06-11

  1. Nÿco

    all I know: something takes the MD file once it's merged, and then it does someting, and finally it ends up on Pelican facing internet users

  2. emus

    SouL: ? ^ do you know more details

  3. SouL

    If it does not work, we might need to contact iteam, emus

  4. emus

    SouL: ok

  5. SouL

    Not long ago the server crashed and stuff was moved to a new one, maybe there's a connection there, I'm not sure

  6. emus

    we will see what they respond

  7. Martin

    See what popped up in my feedreader: https://xmpp.org/2020/06/newsletter/

  8. Martin


  9. Licaon_Kter

    404 Not Found nginx/1.14.2

  10. Martin


  11. Martin

    My ttrss shows the newsletter.

  12. peetah

    same here

  13. peetah

    because we have the rss right does'nt mean the URL is right

  14. emus

    We are working on it

  15. emus

    At least me

  16. peetah

    do we consider the newletter officially published, or do we wait for its publication on the blog to start translations ?

  17. peetah

    do we consider the newsletter officially published, or do we wait for its publication on the blog to start translations ?

  18. emus

    peetah: You can start alreafy if you want

  19. emus

    its the same which has been published to the other cahnnels

  20. peetah

    for those interested, the french translation is initiated here: https://linuxfr.org/redaction/news/xmpp-home-9-juin-2020

  21. emus


  22. Nÿco

    it's done already? good job peetah as usual 🙂

  23. Nÿco

    if you wanna provide text for social media...

  24. Nÿco

    I'll be on a meeting

  25. peetah

    it needs review and improvements though

  26. Nÿco


  27. peetah

    I'm not used to social media, therefore I don't know what to provide :) any link to previous "social media" announcements ?

  28. DebXWoody

    I published the newsletter on Movim: https://nl.movim.eu/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/xmpp/cdc4fb1e-5e96-47ff-b8bc-02e53916a9f5

  29. peetah

    last month jcbrand raised the issue of hijacked bandwidth when using linked image in the newsletter

  30. jcbrand

    Yeah, other people don't seem to care

  31. peetah

    I don't remember that a real decision was made

  32. jcbrand

    Another potential issue is that images get removed from the foreign host and then they don't render for us

  33. peetah

    should'nt they be hosted on xmmp.org then ?

  34. peetah

    I remember that you had a problem with hosting them in the github repo

  35. Nÿco

    this ia already the case for some images in the past: some of the former newsletters are broken there is no solution, afaik

  36. Nÿco

    the github repo is not an issue in terms of storage

  37. Nÿco

    the thing is we don't really know how to add images in Pelican, unless...

  38. peetah

    I used pelican once, and remember that there was a specific configuration to define where to store images

  39. peetah

    let me check

  40. Nÿco


  41. Nÿco


  42. Nÿco

    on both links: - the title - Continue reading...

  43. peetah


  44. peetah

    it's even configured in the current pelicanconf.py

  45. Nÿco

    so you add your picture in the PR in the right folder, and then you add the MD link: but I remember it does not work, I may be wrong

  46. peetah

    and there plenty of them right now in the repo xmpp.org/content/images/blog

  47. peetah

    well it works for the blog, then why not for the newsletter

  48. Nÿco

    we could fix each newsletter then

  49. Nÿco

    no, wait the newsletter is not the blog (tautology) in the newsletter, you upload pictures in the editor after that, I don't know where they are

  50. peetah

    you just have to put /images/newsletter/image.jpg in the relevant markdown link

  51. Nÿco

    so far, I've not seen any picture in the blog that was not hosted somewhere else

  52. Nÿco

    just that?

  53. peetah


  54. peetah


  55. Nÿco

    oh and I was the author

  56. peetah

    well the /images/newsletter has to be created, but nothing else required

  57. Nÿco

    the proof it works

  58. Nÿco

    si I can't remember how to do it it would be nice to document it

  59. peetah

    just need to upload the image on github, which is limited to authorized users I guess

  60. Nÿco

    ok, so for now, we still have to fix that 404, because there is still no content available

  61. peetah

    emus: did you manage to find where the problem is ?

  62. peetah

    oh I see you just renamed the file

  63. peetah

    oh I see you 've just renamed the file

  64. peetah

    oh I see you have just renamed the file

  65. peetah

    so I guess we have to wait for some bot to do its job ?

  66. emus

    peetah: Doing

  67. peetah

    i works !

  68. peetah

    thanks emus !

  69. peetah


  70. peetah

    was the issue only in the name of the file ?

  71. peetah

    was the issue only because of the name of the file ?

  72. emus

    😇 Thanks to Zash! who is not here

  73. emus

    peetah: I think so, but he redeployed somehow

  74. emus

    maybe that did it aswell

  75. peetah

    then thanks Zash as well

  76. emus

    jcbrand: Board said we can go on with the jobs website, like linking it from the xsf site

  77. Licaon_Kter

    Was the new blog announced in the newsletter back in January? Anyway https://pidgin.im/posts/2020-06-2.14.0-released/ and a 2.14.1 fixup

  78. emus


  79. emus

    We should mention it, even if its very late

  80. emus

    If you are motivate you can create pull request to the current Newsletter with a short summary on the content?

  81. emus

    If you are motivated you can create pull request to the current Newsletter with a short summary on the content?

  82. emus

    there is acutally: https://pidgin.im/posts/2020-06-2.14.1-released/