XSF Communications Team - 2020-06-19

  1. emus

    ## Video Conociendo XMPP - The Comunidad Latina de Tecnologías Libres had an introduction to XMPP for users back in April - we would like to reference this even if late: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwnzJ9V732E They also have a user chat: comunidadlatinadetecnologiaslibres@chat.disroot.org

  2. Licaon_Kter

    That MUC name...yay

  3. peetah

    so there will be a "What was missed in the previous months" section with at least this and the pidgin new blog

  4. emus

    Licaon_Kter: agreed^^ They showed Conversations and dino, but also recommened pidgin and 404 ^^

  5. peetah

    a suggestion for future newsletters: for each links to something other than code repositories, we should add a flag indicating the language used

  6. emus

    peetah: Yes, I forgot to tell that its in spanish but I guess almost everyuser gets it. Often I leave expression or short announcing sentence in the native language intentionally

  7. peetah

    I noticed that and it is fine, but an additional visual clue would be nice too

  8. peetah

    I dont know if inline pictures are possible with markdown though

  9. emus

    peetah: Like it! 🇪🇸?

  10. peetah


  11. peetah

    Oh right, we could put unicode flags instead

  12. emus
