XSF Communications Team - 2020-09-12

  1. emus

    > > Hey, der Newsletter ist meiner Meinung nach ein echter Erfolg geworden! Ich lese ihn regelmäßig sehr interessiert. Und auch für Neueinsteiger und Leute, die auf der Suche nach einem guten Protokoll sind, ist der sicherlich hilfreich, um zu sehen, dass sich im XMPP-Bereich einiges bewegt.

  2. emus

    > Hey, I think the newsletter has become a real success! I regularly read it with great interest. And also for newcomers and people who are looking for a good protocol it is certainly helpful to see that there is a lot going on in the XMPP area.

  3. Licaon_Kter


  4. Martin


  5. emus

  6. peetah

    The tigase server news is in the wrong section ! I missed it in the English newsletter and in the French translation which is now available : https://linuxfr.org/news/xmpp-fait-le-cafe :)

  7. peetah

    The tigase server news is in the wrong section ! I not only missed it in the English newsletter but also in the French translation which is now available : https://linuxfr.org/news/xmpp-fait-le-cafe :)

  8. peetah

    The tigase server docker news is in the wrong section ! I not only missed it in the English newsletter but also in the French translation which is now available : https://linuxfr.org/news/xmpp-fait-le-cafe :)

  9. emus

    Hmm, but it is in the newsletter, right? And I thought its september news?

  10. peetah

    it is in the august newsletter

  11. peetah

    The august newsletter French translation is also available here : https://news.jabberfr.org/2020/09/xmpp-fait-le-cafe/

  12. peetah

    Thanks to the team of these 2 websites !

  13. emus

    👍 absolutly! really good? peetah: but sorry, whats the action you suggest?

  14. peetah

    about what ?

  15. peetah

    about the tigase news ? just to move it to the "Servers" section since last time I checked it was in the "Clients and applications"

  16. emus

    > about the tigase news ? just to move it to the "Servers" section since last time I checked it was in the "Clients and applications" Okay, buts in the recent newsletrer?

  17. peetah

    it is in the august newslettter

  18. peetah

    the one about tigase having a docker installation available

  19. emus

    Ah okay. Can you make a PR?

  20. peetah

    sure I will

  21. emus

    peetah: Thanks

  22. peetah


  23. peetah

    did someone already read about this Python SDK for GE WiFi-enabled kitchen appliances using XMPP for authentication : https://github.com/ajmarks/gekitchen ?

  24. Licaon_Kter

    peetah: nope...whoa

  25. emus

    peetah: lets change that --> PR ! 👍

  26. peetah

    I remember using mcabber as my first client, but can someone confirm if it was the first text UI XMPP client or not ?

  27. peetah

    emus: i'm adding gekitchen to my PR, but after reading the githib readme further, I'm not sure it is worthy of being mentionned in the newsletter for now

  28. peetah

    emus: I'm adding gekitchen to my PR, but after reading the github readme a bit further, I'm not sure it is worthy of being mentionned in the newsletter, at least for now

  29. emus

    We will check