What is the Difference between > https://xmpp.work/all-listings/ & > https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/XMPP_Hosting_Providers
as xmpp.org point to "xmpp.work" as Community Service Providers
and Wiki points to Hosting Providers "https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/XMPP_Hosting_Providers" and this link is not on main Wiki Page
To me for a new User we are giving mixed signal especially in this cloud era with Globalization with alot of Non Native English Speakers...
So can these two be consolidated into 1 WebLink / Page...
alacer: Hi thanks for bringing this up. I think the wiki listing is not really maintained. The xmpp.work is a more popular and newer setup and also advertises jobs for example both is in english, how you wonder about the non-native option? Do you expect translations? jcbrand anything to add?
alacer: we are haveing a years round-up on tuesday if you want to join
emus: Well Thanks and let me know where to Join... I do agree to the English but to me for some of the Privacy Concerned Less Tech Users Subscriptions can also be an option albeit these can be linked with a disclaimer as I observer that the recently XMPP has started to get traction which was not the case lets say back in 2014-2015 era...
I dont exaclty understand your second point?
alacer: less traction because who understood got on board, but the long road...