XSF Communications Team - 2020-12-21

  1. peetah

    The french translation of the november XMPP newsletter is available: https://linuxfr.org/news/la-lettre-d-information-xmpp-de-novembre-2020 and https://news.jabberfr.org/2020/12/la-lettre-dinformation-xmpp-de-novembre-2020/ ! Thanks to the team of both websites !

  2. Licaon_Kter


  3. emus

    peetah: thank you peetah for you work!

  4. emus

    Hi everyone - how many here are actually considering to join tomorrow? for the year Roundup?

  5. emus

    I am asking, as I thought that we may can do in January too. Also more time to advertise, too what I lacked the recent days

  6. emus

    Yeah, I think that will be good

  7. emus

    MattJ: Hi, I would like to set a MUC avatar, but I lack the rights. May you do it for me?

  8. emus

    Would be this:

  9. emus


  10. emus

    Hello everyone, I would like to announce a little round-up of the year 2020 for the XMPP Newsletter! Tuesday, 4th of January 2021 07:00 pm CET (https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cet) I will give a summary on the numbers and work we did, some general explanation of how we draft the Newsletter as well as how one can commit to it. Last but not least you can raise your questions and make feedback! I plan this via as a Jitsi conference. Please follow the link at the meeting time: https://meet.adminforge.de/XMPPNewsletter2020RoundUp Happy to have you there and hear your feedback. Finally, I hope you can get some rest at the end of the year and please stay safe everyone! Best regards, Edward

  11. Martin

    emus: > Tuesday, 4th of January 2021 Isn't that a Monday.

  12. emus

    🤦‍♂️️ Yes#+

  13. emus

    Thank you martin

  14. Martin

    So, you have to decide now whether Monday 4th or Tuesday 5th 😃

  15. emus

    Tuesday, 5th of January 2021 07:00 pm CET (https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cet)

  16. Martin
