XSF Communications Team - 2020-12-25

  1. edhelas

    A little blog post about Movim latest features :) https://twitter.com/MovimNetwork/status/1342605699239604226

  2. wurstsalat

    edhelas, nice

  3. Licaon_Kter

    edhelas: why not link directly to the free internet network https://nl.movim.eu/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/Movim/movim-is-full-of-new-features-for-2021-oyJ4gu Instead of that silo...

  4. wurstsalat

    Licaon_Kter, that twitter post has an introduction we could use for the newsletter

  5. Licaon_Kter

    Steal that :)