XSF Communications Team - 2021-01-08

  1. Licaon_Kter

    > Hi there ! So... Ready to catch all Whatsapp ex-users ? ;) > did anybody prepare a blog post? commteam? From Ops :)

  2. emus

    Can you ask them to provide some suggestion what to say? then we can run a tweet and so on

  3. Licaon_Kter

    neox: > Chapril prepares a post on mastodon via @aprilorg And I've ask him if we can umm borrow it :))

  4. emus

    I prefer to collect what we should say and based on this create a statement

  5. emus

    but we can retweet it ofcourse too

  6. Ge0rG

    emus: maybe also a blog post?

  7. Licaon_Kter

    _XMPP; Whatsapp alternative since 1999_

  8. MattJ

    Haha, great title

  9. emus

    I would like to, but I dont wanna go ahead as I lack some time for private reasons currently. So I prefer to have time for quality. but lets see.

  10. Ge0rG

    where is join.xmpp now?

  11. emus

    > Licaon_Kter escribió: > _XMPP; Whatsapp alternative since 1999_ Actually when you remove the WhatsApp I personally would take it as this!

  12. emus

    > Ge0rG escribió: > where is join.xmpp now? 🤷‍♂️

  13. Ge0rG

    for a tweet, I'm thinking of: > Dear #WhatsApp users, feel free to come to #XMPP <https://xmpp.org/getting-started/>, where we have a federated network without one large data collecting landlord, various clients you can use <https://xmpp.org/software/clients.html> and two decades of experience in doing Instant Messaging

  14. Ge0rG

    feel free to edit and improve

  15. emus


  16. emus

    Ge0rG: I hope you will get some Dowloads for Bruno the Jabber Bear ❤

  17. Martin

    *Jabber* everywhere while I always have to explain to people that jabber != XMPP. 🙄

  18. Licaon_Kter

    emus: they posted this, pretty straight forward https://pouet.april.org/@aprilorg/105520799332659637

  19. neox

    Hi folks, https://nitter.42l.fr/aprilorg/status/1347569920943517698 and https://pouet.april.org/@aprilorg/105520799332659637 ;)

  20. neox

    Licaon_Kter, oh I'm too slow :x

  21. emus


  22. emus

    ralphm: Would you like to point out something? I think it could be good to call via the social media too

  23. vanitasvitae

    Prosody devs made a recap post of 2020: https://blog.prosody.im/2020-retrospective/

  24. wurstsalat

    vanitasvitae: care to add that to the pad? :) https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days

  25. wurstsalat

    Nice article by the way :)

  26. ralphm

    emus: we have discussed this in the Board meeting today (see above), but haven't yet decided to participate.

  27. ralphm

    I mean, see the xsf room

  28. emus

    ralphm: Yes, read it. sure, lets get a decision first.