XSF Communications Team - 2021-01-13

  1. Paganini


  2. Paganini

    See this... I think we should do something similar...

  3. Licaon_Kter

    Paganini: WA bumped to 100Mb? It was 16Mb at some point

  4. MattJ

    Only a couple of weeks ago their help pages said 16MB

  5. MattJ

    I know because I checked when someone complained about Snikket's upload limit

  6. wurstsalat

    not everything is applicable here, but a comparison might help potential users to get a good overview of XMPP features

  7. wurstsalat

    it could also help when outdated assumptions about xmpp are stated somewhere :)

  8. MattJ

    WhatsApp limit is 16MB for images/videos and 100MB for "documents"

  9. MattJ

    Make sense of that

  10. wurstsalat

    try to compress video to 16 mb > fail > send as document?

  11. MattJ

    Accoridng to docs it shows a UI that allows you to trim the video

  12. wurstsalat

    I’m impressed by Telegram’s file size limit, but then again, some xmpp services allow the same size :)

  13. Martin considers this crazy

  14. Paganini

    > not everything is applicable here, but a comparison might help potential users to get a good overview of XMPP features That's exactly what I think.

  15. Paganini

    > I’m impressed by Telegram’s file size limit, but then again, some xmpp services allow the same size :) Have you ever heard about 404.city? https://404.city/ They claim to allow 2Gb file size limit. I will create a xmpp account on 404.city and check it this afternoon.

  16. wurstsalat

    Paganini, yes I did, and since every provider can set arbitrary limits, this is indeed possible

  17. Paganini

    We should make a banner like the one I shared here, comparing XMPP with WharsApp and Telegram. Or two banners: one comparing XMPP with WhatsApp and the other comparing XMPP with Telegram. Don't you agree? Then we will share the banners on social networks, etc. That's what the Telegram folks are doing...

  18. MattJ

    Go for it

  19. goffi

    wurstsalat, Paganini: I'm working on a XMPP file sharing component that has no limit, the idea is to implement per user quota instead of per-file limit.

  20. Licaon_Kter

    Was this guide posted? [DE] https://www.heise.de/tipps-tricks/XMPP-was-ist-das-5006209.html

  21. wurstsalat

    Licaon_Kter, it wasn’t, good find :) please add it to the pad https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days

  22. Martin

    Licaon_Kter: > Was this guide posted? > [DE] https://www.heise.de/tipps-tricks/XMPP-was-ist-das-5006209.html Oh, it's back online now mentioning proper clients.

  23. Licaon_Kter

    Martin: yeah, saw last week but was unnaccesible