XSF Communications Team - 2021-05-06

  1. Licaon_Kter

    Added on pad https://opkode.com/blog/2021-05-05-mergebounce-indexeddb/

  2. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  3. peetah

    the french translation of the latest newsletter is ready for review, corrections and improvements: https://linuxfr.org/redaction/news/lettre-d-information-xmpp-d-avril-2021

  4. peetah

    this will be my last translation of the newsletter: if you are a french fluent and interested in jumping in to bring this futher, please do so :)

  5. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    peetah: great thanks! and sad to hear. Do you have no motivation anymore? anyway, was a really nice support!

  6. peetah

    emus (XSF Com. Team): yes something like that :)

  7. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    Sad to hear, do you know if the other FR translation will be continued?

  8. peetah

    I inserted a note to call for new translators in this month translation, as well as sent a message in jabberfr@chat.jabberfr.org , so let's wait to see if anyone is insterested to take over this task

  9. peetah

    I inserted a note to call for new translators in this month translation, as well as sent a message in jabberfr@chat.jabberfr.org , so let's wait and see if anyone is interested in taking over this task

  10. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    Ok cool - thanks!