XSF Communications Team - 2021-07-27

  1. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    Sam: did you send something?

  2. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    The office hours start in about 30 mins! Join us for "Building a Chat Bot on Ad Hoc Commands" by Christopher Vollick: https://socialcoop.meet.coop/sam-pku-dud-niv

  3. Sam is sad to be missing one

  4. wuuko

    I am waiting

  5. wuuko


  6. wuuko

    Does it start now?

  7. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    Sam - it will take a while until the video has been rendered, after I end the meeting, right?

  8. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    And shall make those public?

  9. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  10. Sam

    keep it private so that we're not using their bandwidth

  11. Sam

    it takes all day for the video to render, I'll upload it later. Thanks!

  12. emus (XSF Com. Team)
