XSF Communications Team - 2021-08-08

  1. MattJ

    I'm awake and on it now

  2. MattJ

    The server is fine and auto-updating, the problem was with Travis not building the new changes

  3. MattJ

    I've fixed that, and I'll keep an eye on it to make sure it succeeds and gets deployed

  4. MattJ

    or... does Travis even build the image? Seems not. So I fixed something that wasn't the issue...

  5. MattJ

    So it seems Docker Hub is responsible for building the image, which should happen automatically, but it last built 11 days ago

  6. MattJ

    I don't seem to have access to the account to figure out the problem, so I'm trying to work out who has been managing that account

  7. MattJ

    Okay, I built it manually on the server

  8. MattJ

    There is something wrong though

  9. MattJ

    The page renders at https://xmpp.org/2021/07/newsletter-07-july/ but it doesn't appear at https://xmpp.org/blog.html

  10. MattJ

    Because the date says 2020 instead of 2021 :)

  11. wurstsalat

    Thanks for digging through this!

  12. MattJ

    Merged https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/948 and rebuilt and deployed

  13. MattJ

    I've had to disable automatic update until we fix Docker Hub, otherwise it will pull the outdated image and overwrite this

  14. MattJ

    So don't expect any site updates without manual intervention from iteam for now, we'll work on fixing that

  15. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  16. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    MattJ: Many thanks. Maybe it was just the date issue

  17. Licaon_Kter

    _Last month's news...last year_

  18. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  19. Licaon_Kter

    Time traveling newsletter

  20. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    we should call MIT

  21. neox

    Here is the wip french translation https://linuxfr.org/redaction/news/lettre-d-information-xmpp-de-juillet-2021

  22. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    nice neox!

  23. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    I just realised we have no pictures - but lets leave it like this

  24. Licaon_Kter

    Well, I thought about that, there's could of been one for a client, UWXP iirc, but yeah

  25. Licaon_Kter

    The mail arrivedp 10x

  26. Licaon_Kter

    The mail arrived. 10x

  27. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  28. Licaon_Kter

    The letter...arrived...40mins ago...

  29. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    I got the mail 1x Anyone else experienced the issue?

  30. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    With some delay, the XMPP Newsletter July 2021: https://fosstodon.org/web/statuses/106720149381323521

  31. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  32. SouL

    Got it 👍

  33. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  34. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    Sam, I checked the schedule - to new sign ups

  35. Sam

    'two' new sign ups or 'no' new signups? I was just on it and missed that

  36. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    sorry, no new

  37. Sam

    Ah, too bad, I was hoping that was just the wrong "two" 🙂

  38. Sam

    I mean, two bad it was the wrong 'tooo'

  39. emus (XSF Com. Team)


  40. nicfab

    Hello everyone! The Italian translation of the newsletter is out! https://www.nicfab.it/newsletter-xmpp-di-luglio-2021-versione-italiana/

  41. emus (XSF Com. Team)

    nicfab: great!