XSF Communications Team - 2021-10-20

  1. emus

    I need to excuse. All the credentials issue thing was due to I had the wrong ones. I'm sorry for this.

  2. MattJ

    You have access to everything now?

  3. emus

    MattJ: Everything except twitter as I dont have Twitter my own

  4. MattJ

    Maybe you can send them to me then :)

  5. MattJ

    You can send a PGP email to me@matthewwild.co.uk or use https://keyoxide.org/wkd/me%40matthewwild.co.uk

  6. emus

    SouL: so you have PGP up & running and can do so?

  7. SouL

    MattJ: sorry so late.. I tried keyoxide last time but I got: Could not encrypt message! ========================== NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.

  8. MattJ

    SouL, oops, fixed, thanks

  9. Licaon_Kter

    > The #XMPP Newsletter for September 2021 is out! > Sorry for the delay .... _Sorry for the *announcement* delay_ ... Anyway zealots tooted high and low on release day, no biggie :)