XSF Communications Team - 2021-10-30

  1. emus

    Dear translators! With the switch to Hugo website generator we have the possibility to create multilangual pages. Also for the newsletter. https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/issues/994#issuecomment-955028724 if you want, you are invited to start working from here, or add you work also to the official XSF page. Many thanks for your work so far! Looking forward! We are also inviting any new volunteers to support here! Many thanks to wurstsalat!!! neox nicola jeybe CC: jcbrand SouL

  2. emus

    And of course we need to add this to the newsletter ☺

  3. Licaon_Kter


  4. emus

    Licaon_Kter: could you translate this to us? Translations are submitted by volunteers. The content may at times not reflect the English original from thx XSF.

  5. neox

    emus: hi ! Great news. How are we supposed to "work from here" ? Is it possible without Github account ?

  6. emus

    neox: you dont have to. if you want you would need to create a PR for the new page (for example copy the old and translate it)

  7. emus

    maybe wurstsalat wurstsalat has more details

  8. wurstsalat

    No github account, no PR. But translators could submit the translated markdown file by other means (mail, etc.)

  9. neox

    wurstsalat, emus: I can send patch by email

  10. emus

    wurstsalat: evtl. we also need a place to name the translators

  11. wurstsalat

    Inside each translation, at the top?

  12. emus

    I would say?

  13. wurstsalat

    Easiest solution I can think of

  14. emus


  15. emus

    Maybe also just place it in the blue box

  16. wurstsalat


  17. wurstsalat

    That box is generated using a static translation (for _all_ pages). Changing trnalators would not be accounted for.

  18. wurstsalat

    That box is generated using a static translation (for _all_ pages). Changing translators would not be accounted for.

  19. wurstsalat

    Ah, maybe I didn't explain this: the blue box is not included in markdown files, but generated for each page when viewed in a language different for the default (english)

  20. wurstsalat

    Ah, maybe I didn't explain this: the blue box is not included in markdown files, but generated for each page when viewed in a language different from the default (english)

  21. emus

    ah ok. Well, I only thought of a defined place which is also the same on each page

  22. wurstsalat

    The top

  23. emus

    wurstsalat: I'm going to create a new lable for localizations later, ok?

  24. wurstsalat

    A github label? Sure, why not