XSF Communications Team - 2021-10-31

  1. emus

    The XSF has been started to offer fiscal hosting via OpenCollective for XMPP projects! This allows open source XMPP projects that cannot maintain funding to effectively manage donations through-out the XSF.

  2. emus


  3. emus


  4. emus

    The XSF has been started to offer fiscal hosting via OpenCollective for XMPP projects! This allows open source XMPP projects that cannot maintain funding to effectively manage donations through-out the XSF. Read about the details here: https://xmpp.org/community/fiscalhost/

  5. Licaon_Kter

    started or starting? Non-native here so lol

  6. wurstsalat

    had been startled ;)

  7. wurstsalat

    "has started to offer", I would say

  8. wurstsalat

    Licaon_Kter, I heard you know romanian? :) we need a translation for our translation disclaimer: "Translations are submitted by volunteers, and may at times not reflect the English original."

  9. Licaon_Kter

    I've seen that, didn't he the time...will do...soon

  10. wurstsalat

    alright, many thanks in advance!

  11. emus

    thanks, yes

  12. emus

    neox: providing the files via Github is no way for you?

  13. neox

    emus: exactly. I can send patch via email though

  14. neox

    (With signed commit inside)

  15. emus

    wurstsalat - so what mail shall we use best?

  16. wurstsalat

    > No github account, no PR. But translators could submit the translated markdown file by other means (mail, etc.) that was probably a bad idea (since I wouldn't want to put in extra work to transfer those patches to git)

  17. emus

    I think we have two options here: - Find a volunteer to take the .md from the french community (or where ever this problem appears) and create a PR - Just leave it as it is currently with no direct translation hosted for French. It is an offer, not a requirement of course

  18. neox

    wurstsalat: patch to PR transformation could be an automated process (if Github has an API of any kind)

  19. Martin

    Can't you just `git am` the patch?

  20. neox

    Martin: that's what we did with ejabberd (last time I contributed), but perhaps there is more to do with newsletter process ?

  21. emus

    DRAFT: XMPP Newsletter October 2021 https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/999

  22. emus

    Missing till 2nd: Images and review from Jabber atom feed + this chat if something is missing here

  23. Licaon_Kter

    wurstsalat, emus: Romanian > "Translations are submitted by volunteers, and may at times not reflect the English original." "Traducerile sunt oferite de către voluntari și s-ar putea câteodată să nu reflecte versiunea originală din limba engleză."

  24. Licaon_Kter

    That being that, what's the point? You think translators don't correctly translate and want to distance XSF from that or?

  25. wurstsalat

    Licaon_Kter, thank you! comm team simply does not have the resources to check translations, hence the note

  26. emus

    Yes, and we cannot ensure people start expressing things evtl. imprecise

  27. emus


  28. emus

    1000 PRs in the XSF Website repository 🎉️🎆️

  29. emus

    Many thanks to all helping creating, maintaining and forming it