XSF Communications Team - 2022-01-09

  1. Toxi

    > emus schrieb: > wow MattJ - this thing went really viralt over the new year: https://fosstodon.org/web/@xmpp/107479459006191793 there are some broken redirects in it i alone made about 10000 of them

  2. emus


  3. Toxi


  4. Toxi

    if you do not allow some third part cookies it creates a infinite loop

  5. Toxi

    > Licaon_Kter schrieb: > Wtf?! It's virtual so what's the issue!?! viral refers to german mainstream media framing. they call something "viral" if it is shared a lot via facebook or twitter.

  6. Toxi

    they say for example "some news went viral" if everybody knows it, but people should not know it. it is a negative framing

  7. Toxi

    but here we have just a broken redirect

  8. Licaon_Kter

    Toxi: you missread my quote and context, different subject

  9. Toxi

    > Licaon_Kter schrieb: > Toxi: you missread my quote and context, different subject ojay excuse moi

  10. Toxi

    who is responsible for xmpp.net? is the site code online ?

  11. Sam

    Toxi: don't DM random people your question. Just wait, lots of people in this room may be asleep right now and will answer your question when they can. If you didn't get an answer publicly it's not likely that you're going to get one by asking again privately.

  12. Sam


  13. Toxi

    I just asked 3 Guys... people I seen before .. not randome

  14. Sam

    Doesn't matter. Those three people can see your public question, you don't have to ask again.

  15. emus

    I dont know what to do with this issue

  16. Toxi

    I found a vulnerability in the php code on xmpp.net and want to tell it only provate to the one responsible

  17. Toxi


  18. emus


  19. emus

    Thank you Toxi

  20. Toxi

    don't say it to me, say it to everyone, that way it's not me ignoring you but all of us ignoring you.

  21. Sam

    No one is ignoring you, either no one knows or people are still asleep. I appreciate that you want to report a vulnerability, that's very nice, but you'll have to just be patient and wait for someone who knows to come online. Pinging people won't help.

  22. Sam

    (unless you know those people are the maintainer, obviously :) )

  23. emus

    Well technically we shou'd expand the github repo to reporting security issues properly

  24. MattJ

    Toxi, you can email security issues to me at me@matthewwild.co.uk

  25. MattJ

    The code is online at https://github.com/xmpp-observatory

  26. Toxi

    MattJ, imediatly