XSF Communications Team - 2022-01-10

  1. MattJ

    Toxi, received, thanks!

  2. MattJ

    nicfab, I hope your web server is capable. Your article reached the front page of https://news.ycombinator.com/ - you will likely receive a lot of traffic today :)

  3. Licaon_Kter

    Remember when Matrix was a rewrite of XMPP and had e2ee from day one? Me neither... There will no traffic, no one will read...they'll just shill Matrix

  4. MattJ

    So defeatist

  5. Licaon_Kter

    Do try...but we've seen they way HN works...

  6. MattJ

    Not all the time. There are some strongly anti-XMPP folk on HN, there are some strong pro-XMPP folk too, but the vast majority of people are not familiar with Matrix or XMPP

  7. emus

    Yes, do you posts and be kind, and dont assume evil. nothing else we can do. if people blame anything we can try to make points from a different perspective. Nothing else

  8. Licaon_Kter

    emus: yes, of course...every time.

  9. emus

    Yes, do your posts and be kind, and dont assume evil. nothing else we can do. if people blame anything we can try to make points from a different perspective. Nothing else

  10. emus


  11. MattJ

    Yes, every time. That's how you train people that XMPP is doing just fine, and not dead. If we sit here and sulk quietly, XMPP *is* basically dead :)

  12. Licaon_Kter

    My posts above were more of a warning... I hate defetism too. > If we sit here and sulk quietly, XMPP *is* basically dead :) Hope someone links emus 's toot everytime that is even suggested ;)

  13. Licaon_Kter

    My posts above were more of a warning... I hate defetism too. > If we sit here and sulk quietly, XMPP *is* basically dead :) Hope someone links emus 's newsletter toot everytime that is even suggested ;)

  14. Licaon_Kter

    I usually use something like > All those were announced on the newsletter too, your are not subscribed via rss/email? > https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/ ;) Yes, we need a PubSub node too, dogfood:))

  15. Licaon_Kter

    I usually use something like > All those were announced on the newsletter too, your are not subscribed via rss/email? > https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/ ;) Yes, we need a PubSub node too, dogfood :))

  16. emus

    > Licaon_Kter escribió: > My posts above were more of a warning... I hate defetism too. > Hope someone links emus 's newsletter toot everytime that is even suggested ;) I am not doing it but I wou'd be happy if someone with an account could volunteer on a regular basis And the newsletter is a community effort :-) But I am happy to take some redaction

  17. emus

    > Licaon_Kter escribió: > My posts above were more of a warning... I hate defetism too. > Hope someone links emus 's newsletter toot everytime that is even suggested ;) I am not doing it but I wou'd be happy if someone with an account could volunteer on a regular basis And the newsletter is a community effort :-) But I am happy to take some editoring

  18. Licaon_Kter

    emus: not post on HN per se, although that might be a thing, just post the "we not dead, read all in the newsletter" toot link when death is suggested ;)

  19. emus

    ^^ as said, happy to have the support here

  20. vanitasvitae

    > PS: We are discussing the term "service providers" and if you have a better description, for example "professional services" please let me know.

  21. vanitasvitae

    Why do we discourga that term? 🤨

  22. MattJ

    I think mainly because it's ambiguous

  23. emus

    Did we not discuss? 😅

  24. nicfab

    > nicfab, I hope your web server is capable. Your article reached the front page of https://news.ycombinator.com/ - you will likely receive a lot of traffic today :) I already saw it and also the several comments … I hope people find it good 😊

  25. emus


  26. singpolyma
