XSF Communications Team - 2022-01-22

  1. MattJ

    No, no news, it's almost certainly not happening this year

  2. emus


  3. emus

    Hello people, I have started to draft a small add for our GSoC participation and if you want you can comment on this. Let's not make this a design challenge, but more focus on the content, wording and if I missed something. Links to wiki, QR codes and sources for pictures will follow, but let me know if you see something already:

  4. emus


  5. emus

    I hope we can turn this also into a small new page on xmpp.org

  6. emus

    please do not yet use it for advertising. I will let you know and also offer translations (but there I will need some help of course)

  7. emus

    small first update:

  8. emus


  9. Licaon_Kter

    emus: you added "project" nice Participate "in the Google"

  10. emus

    ok will enter

  11. emus

    any way where we can upload this later?

  12. emus


  13. vanitasvitae

    emus: "you can *imagine* to work..."

  14. vanitasvitae

    Ideally there would be a short link on the poster (e.g. xmpp.org/gsoc) which points to the wiki.

  15. vanitasvitae

    Otherwise, nice design!

  16. emus

    yes, will do. just collecting if something obvious is missing. and yes will do the grammar right. was late when I hacked it into the keyboard^^

  17. Toxi

    there is only one word there, that i do not like

  18. emus

    thanks will change

  19. emus

    ok wait, what word?

  20. vanitasvitae

    My bet would be "Google"? :D

  21. vanitasvitae

    But nothing we can do about that :P

  22. emus


  23. emus is putting some Techno music to try to create a new subsite for GSoC22

  24. emus

    some more fixes required, but here we go: https://xmpp.org/community/gsoc-2022/

  25. emus

    Apart from this: Reminder on the upcoming first release of the XMPP newsletter this year! Newsletter draft on Github: https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/milestone/3 (Navigate to the latest issue, then to 'Files changes', then 'Edit File') Or drop your news text to our online pad: https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days

  26. emus

    Sam: Can you review the Mellium entries on the GSoC2022 wiki site? Is that still a thing and up to date

  27. Sam

    I wasn't gling to do it this year, unsure how that got on there, but I might be able to now due to a recent scheduling change so I guess those look good

  28. Sam

    I updated them recently after noticing they were there

  29. Sam

    Will add some stuff to the pad after work, thanks for the reminder

  30. emus

    Sam: I copied all from last yeast and asked via members@to review if okay

  31. emus

    ok great

  32. emus

    vanitasvitae: pgpainless is placed in the newsletter?

  33. vanitasvitae

    I haven't submitted anything yet?

  34. vanitasvitae

    When is the deadline?

  35. vanitasvitae

    I'm not sure under which category I should add a text. Its not really an XMPP library :D

  36. Navlost

    Hello there!

  37. Navlost

    I am working on an XMPP component and would like to put an announcement in the newsletter to gain some general feedback.

  38. Navlost

    Should I just post my blurb here? Or would you prefer that I paste it at https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days ?

  39. Navlost

    Sorry no Github account.

  40. MattJ

    Navlost, hi, welcome! Adding to the pad is the preference, with a little text around any links, it helps a lot :)

  41. Navlost

    MattJ: Cheers! 👍 It's on its way

  42. MattJ

    Wonderful :)

  43. MattJ

    Can't wait to read about it

  44. Navlost

    Under Client and applications be fine? There isn't a specific Components section. ☺

  45. singpolyma

    Component could be application or could be server

  46. MattJ

    Wherever you think best. I can see an argument for "server" too, since that's where components run

  47. singpolyma

    Depends what it does

  48. MattJ

    If you're not sure, and it's not like anything else currently in the existing sections, make a new section for components :)

  49. Navlost

    Ok, done ✔

  50. Navlost

    I put it under Clients and applications, but feel free to edit as you see fit

  51. MattJ


  52. singpolyma

    I guess now that I hang out in here I should write my own blurbs for the JMP articles :P

  53. emus

    vanitasvitae: article?