XSF Communications Team - 2022-01-24

  1. emus

    you dont have deadlines by hard with translations. we publish on 5th of Feb

  2. emus

    the english original

  3. thecoffemaker

    emus: great

  4. emus

    but you can publish the translation somedays afterwards

  5. emus


  6. emus

    Thats what I hacked together:

  7. emus

    > XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol that is running in professional software and open-source projects around the world. From communication applications, performative server technology or internet of things XMPP is an IETF standardized protocol with more than 20 years of proven experience. A decentralized and inter-operable technology to establish small and flexible solutions up to full-scale professional applications. Join with your innovations!

  8. emus

    sorry, I think should have pinged MattJ

  9. emus

    anyone else commenting?

  10. MattJ

    emus, looks great!

  11. emus

    Really? 😀

  12. emus

    damn it, something with the image is still not working https://xmpp.org/community/gsoc-2022/

  13. wurstsalat

    emus, did somebody update the page yet?

  14. emus


  15. wurstsalat

    strange, it worked locally. a 403 ?

  16. wurstsalat

    forbidden? why?

  17. emus

    Zash, may you have time to review this?