XSF Communications Team - 2022-02-07

  1. sebastian


  2. emus


  3. emus

    jcbrand have you received my mails?

  4. emus

    jeybe, ihr seid an der übersetzung dran, korrekt?

  5. Jeybe

    > jeybe, ihr seid an der übersetzung dran, korrekt? I'll answer in English :-) Sure, we are: https://codeberg.org/Anoxinon_e.V./anoxinon-web-main/pulls/76 Specific reason why you asking?

  6. Jeybe

    What is the criteria to be allowed to publish the translation to xmpp.org as well? Need to be XSF member or just do a PR?

  7. Jeybe

    You're probably the person to ask for this emus

  8. emus

    Jeybe: just PR as the spanish translation (see recent merged PR) wou'd be higly appreciated

  9. emus

    The reason is that once published, I will advertise

  10. Jeybe

    Never noticed that you actually advertise the translations besides in the Newsletter itself 😂

  11. Jeybe

    Where do you advertise?

  12. emus

    Twitter fosstodon I meant promote

  13. Jeybe

    Yes I understood it that way