XSF Communications Team - 2022-02-21

  1. TheCoffeMaker

    emus, let u here the ES flyer's translation

  2. TheCoffeMaker

    > Are you a student or newcomer to open-source programming? Can you imagine working part time (or even full-time) on an open-source software project in this summer? ¿Eres estudiante o recién llegado a la programación de código abierto? ¿Puedes imaginarte trabajando a tiempo parcial (o incluso a tiempo completo) en un proyecto de software de código abierto este verano?

  3. TheCoffeMaker

    > Then consider joining an XMPP real-time communication project and participate in the Google Summer of Code 2022! Entonces considera unirte a un proyecto de comunicación en tiempo real XMPP y participar en el Google Summer of Code 2022.

  4. TheCoffeMaker

    > XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol that is running in professional software and open-source projects around the world. From communication applications, performative server technology or internet of things XMPP is an IETF standardized protocol with more than 20 years of proven experience. A decentralized and inter-operable technology to establish small and flexible solutions up to full-scale professional applications. Join with your innovations! XMPP.org XMPP es el Protocolo Extensible de Mensajería y Presencia que corre en software profesional y en proyectos de código abierto en todo el mundo. Desde aplicaciones de comunicación, servidores de alto rendimiento o internet de las cosas XMPP es un protocolo estandarizado por el IETF con más de 20 años de experiencia comprobada. Es una tecnología descentralizada e interoperable para establecer desde soluciones pequeñas y flexibles hasta aplicaciones profesionales a gran escala. ¡Únete con tus innovaciones! XMPP.org

  5. TheCoffeMaker

    > The Google Summer of Code is an international annual program in which Google awards stipends to contributors who successfully complete a free and open-source software coding project during the summer. Project ideas are listed by host organizations involved in open-source software development, though students can also propose their own project ideas. summerofcode.withgoogle.com El Google Summer of Code es un programa internacional anual en el que Google premia con estipendios a los colaboradores que completen con éxito un proyecto de desarrollo de software open-source durante el verano. Las ideas de los proyectos son listadas por organización involucrada en el desarrollo de un software open-source, aunque los estudiantes también pueden proponer sus propias ideas de proyectos. summerofcode.withgoogle.com

  6. TheCoffeMaker

    Btw ... The GWoC ES translation is ready

  7. TheCoffeMaker

    Btw ... The GEoC ES translation PR is ready

  8. emus

    👍👍👍 thanks

  9. emus


  10. emus

    TheCoffeMaker - you can push this with the PR now! Many many thanks - I really appreciate you and your fellows work!

  11. emus

    > –La administración del evento en la XSF Exactemente! perfecto!

  12. vanitasvitae

    Muy bueno!

  13. neox

    emus: where can I find the text to be translated ?

  14. neox

    I told I could do it, but I don't know where and how 👀

  15. emus

    neox: you mean the GSoC?

  16. neox

    emus: yep

  17. emus

    reminder for me: https://linuxfr.org/news/lettre-d-information-xmpp-de-decembre-2021-et-janvier-2022 great!

  18. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: upload here in your branch https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org

  19. emus

    neox: wait

  20. emus

    neox: the page files are here https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org for the pdf I recomment you trabslate the text sections and I will send you the pdf would that be alright?

  21. emus

    if you dont have github you cand send me the md files

  22. TheCoffeMaker

    emus: 👌

  23. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: sorry wrong paths

  24. emus

    copyinh did not work

  25. emus


  26. emus

    hmm my mobile browser does not want me to do it... PDFs are in: static/images/promo .md are in: content/community/

  27. TheCoffeMaker

    emus: yeah ...found it .. Just added to the PR, Im on the reviewed points now

  28. emus


  29. TheCoffeMaker

    The title in Spanish (### XMPP - ...) That muat to be in english ... Better if it is all in english ... Doe not sounds right if it is left like "el extended naible messaging and presence protocol) all the way in english or all the way in spanish but not in the middle 😋

  30. TheCoffeMaker

    The title in Spanish (### XMPP - ...) That must to be in english ... Better if it is all in english ... Doe not sounds right if it is left like "el extended naible messaging and presence protocol) all the way in english or all the way in spanish but not in the middle 😋

  31. emus

    I know its nit picking. but lets keep the name fixed i would say

  32. TheCoffeMaker

    emus, done!

  33. emus

    ok cool! many thanks

  34. TheCoffeMaker

    np ... as soon as u get it will send the link to rlab guys (Buenos Aires hackerspace)

  35. emus


  36. Sam

    Is anyone else here on Disroot? I just noticed they have a form builder thing and was thinking it might be nice to move the office hours form to that; then it's easier to share it with multiple people (assuming anyone else has an account it can be shared with)

  37. Sam

    By "anyone" I guess I really mean "emus" who does all the comms stuff and should probably have access in case I get hit by a bus :)

  38. singpolyma

    Cryptpad also has a form builder if you're looking at options

  39. Sam

    I tried there's but I don't think there's any way to notify when a response comes in. I also just really don't like cryptpad (I don't really like nextcloud either, if I'm honest, but I'm hoping the forms will at least not be painfully slow)

  40. emus

    I cannot follow what its about. why is the current setup not good?

  41. Sam

    Current setup works fine, but I can't share it so that you can edit the form if you need.

  42. Sam

    I can't remember if I set it up to send you or anyone else alerts either, that can be done but it's hard.

  43. Sam

    Anyways, no pressure, it was just a thought that if you happened to already have an account there I could share it.

  44. emus

    Sam: I dont get alerts :/

  45. emus

    Sam: can you describe your idea in an issue. its really late and I need to review another day

  46. emus


  47. Sam

    It doesn't matter; I was just going to change the system from Netlify to Disroot if you already had a disroot account; if you don't it's not worth you going through the hassle of creating yet another account on something

  48. Sam

    Doesn't seem like it alerts you either actually, which is weird since email is also built into this thing. Oh well, looks like it's also not actually very useful.