XSF Communications Team - 2022-03-05

  1. emus

    Kind night reminders on final reviews 🐶 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDe60CbIagg

  2. Licaon_Kter

    https://github.com/ortuman/jackal/releases/tag/v0.58.0 > Added BoltDB repository type

  3. emus

    *Last chance for any reviews!*

  4. emus


  5. Licaon_Kter

    Line 45 gateways) should be comma

  6. Licaon_Kter

    Line 67 yeah 7.1 but breaks group omemo :( https://github.com/tigase/siskin-im/issues/164 can we add a warning?

  7. Licaon_Kter

    emus: email is still broken?

  8. Licaon_Kter

    Re empty xep sections > emus, I'm just doing another quick pass over the newsletter. I can't remember if we've had this discussion before, but I'd like to remove empty sections such as "Libraries" > Instead of the current text "No news has reached us :-(" Can those be skipped too?

  9. Licaon_Kter

    Looks good otherwise but I'm afk so I can't correct that typo

  10. emus

    Thanks, I think I need some food first, then I will start working on this

  11. emus


  12. emus

    this is the correct text?

  13. emus

    Mellium Co-op has released [v0.21.0](https://pkg.go.dev/mellium.im/xmpp@v0.21.0) and [v0.21.1](https://pkg.go.dev/mellium.im/xmpp@v0.21.1) of the [melium.im/xmpp](https://mellium.im/xmpp/) library for Go! Highlights for this release include basic support for PubSub and PEP as well as In-Band Bytestreams. More information can be found in the [release announcement](https://opencollective.com/mellium/updates/new-release-mellium-im-xmpp-v0-21-0). Version 0.21.1 fixes a security issue that was discovered in the websocket package and should be preferred when updating. For more information see [CVE-2022-24968](https://mellium.im/cve/cve-2022-24968/).

  14. emus

    Licaon_Kter - yes email is still broken and tinyletter has not replied or done any actions. I will treat this as over. If someone is quicker than me, I would appreciate if a comparison matrix with features, requirements (and even costs per mail/month) could be created. That would be necessary to find a replacement

  15. Licaon_Kter

    emus: :( thanks

  16. emus

    Sorry 😕

  17. emus

    thanks for your comments

  18. emus

    LK, this OMEMO & Tigase thing, is that officially broken?

  19. emus

    LK, I agree to shown this on news - but in terms of status and progress I think this is also an indication of status if nothing happened. I would like to keep it

  20. Licaon_Kter

    There no new build fixing it Also, it might not matter if everyone has updated since Apple devices work like this Meh

  21. emus

    I cannot follow really^^

  22. Licaon_Kter

    Nevermind, carry on

  23. emus


  24. emus


  25. Sam

    emus: that's fine I guess, there was another section about the monthly update too that someone else added to the pad that appears to be gone

  26. emus

    I can take the picutre? https://blog.jmp.chat/b/2022-bidirectional-gateways

  27. singpolyma

    emus: sure

  28. emus

    Sam, can you help me there and check the timeline?

  29. Sam

    The timeline doesn't appear to work? I can move the slider around, but the text never changes

  30. Sam

    oh, no, wait, there it goes; just takes a longn time

  31. Sam

    emus: see https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days/timeslider#22500

  32. emus

    Can I put th communique to the article section? Or is this in particular on Libs?

  33. Sam

    anywhere's fine with me :)

  34. emus

    but would you also agree to this in as meaningful suggestion?

  35. Sam

    If you haven't already, here's the big that got left out of the pad: https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/1090

  36. emus

    \me turning up his favorite techno music getting close to release & publish 🕺️

  37. emus turning up his favorite techno music getting close to release & publish 🕺️

  38. emus

    TheCoffeMaker whom should I mention to contributors?

  39. emus

    Any claims on missing contributors? **Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, emus, Ludovic Bocquet, Licaon_Kter, mathieui, MattJ, nicfab, seveso, Sam Whited, singpolyma, TheCoffeMaker, wurstsalat,xdelatour, Ysabeau** Please tell now, or PR later

  40. emus

    TheCoffeMaker added Damian Sartori

  41. emus

    anyone capable of testing with hugo, it does not work for me somehow

  42. emus

    ## Editorial closing of the XMPP Newsletter February 2022 release - Many thanks to everyone!!! This release to Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, Damian Sartori, emus, Ludovic Bocquet, Licaon_Kter, mathieui, MattJ, nicfab, seveso, Sam Whited, singpolyma, TheCoffeMaker, wurstsalat, xdelatour, Ysabeau for their help in creation, review and translation! - :heart: :fireworks: Next release is next year on 5th of April 2022! Have a good time until then and see you soon!

  43. emus

    ## Editorial closing of the XMPP Newsletter February 2022 release - Many thanks to everyone!!! This release to Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, Damian Sartori, emus, Ludovic Bocquet, Licaon_Kter, mathieui, MattJ, nicfab, seveso, Sam Whited, singpolyma, TheCoffeMaker, wurstsalat, xdelatour, Ysabeau for their help in creation, review and translation! - ❤️ 🎆️ Next release is next year on 5th of April 2022! Have a good time until then and see you soon!

  44. emus

    **Editorial closing of the XMPP Newsletter February 2022 release** - Many thanks to everyone!!! This release to Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, Damian Sartori, emus, Ludovic Bocquet, Licaon_Kter, mathieui, MattJ, nicfab, seveso, Sam Whited, singpolyma, TheCoffeMaker, wurstsalat, xdelatour, Ysabeau for their help in creation, review and translation! - ❤️ 🎆️ Next release is next year on 5th of April 2022! Have a good time until then and see you soon!

  45. emus

    https://xmpp.org/2022/03/the-xmpp-newsletter-february-2022/ https://fosstodon.org/web/@xmpp/107904317740522875 https://twitter.com/xmpp/status/1500110610914234368

  46. emus

    I started a pad on the email service evaluation: I started a pad: https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/quDMy0C8ZnLhnlcujLtwEz8l/

  47. Licaon_Kter


  48. emus

    feel free to precise the column titles

  49. nicfab

    Hello everyone! Here is the Italian translation of the newsletter: https://www.nicfab.it/it/posts/newsletter-xmpp/newsletter-xmpp-2022-febbraio/

  50. emus

    nicfab: Great! Many thanks! ☺

  51. TheCoffeMaker

    emus: here .... daimonduff and marevalo

  52. nicfab

    > nicfab: Great! Many thanks! ☺ You are welcome

  53. emus

    nicfab: > Benvenuti alla Newsletter XMPP del mese di novembre 2021 - l’ultima uscita per quest’anno! Dopo la nostra pausa editoriale torneremo nel febbraio 2022! something about november?

  54. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: ahh, could you PR?

  55. nicfab

    What do you mean? I don’t remember 😊

  56. emus

    mese di novembre 2021?

  57. TheCoffeMaker

    emus: yeah ... Giveme afew minutes ... im tryi g to get out of bed

  58. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: not rush

  59. TheCoffeMaker


  60. emus

    good morning

  61. emus

    no rush*

  62. nicfab

    > mese di novembre 2021? I did it. Here is the newsletter: https://www.nicfab.it/it/posts/newsletter-xmpp/newsletter-xmpp-di-novembre-2021-versione-italiana/

  63. emus


  64. emus


  65. nicfab

    @emus what do you mean? I don’t understand

  66. emus

    In the translation for this latest newsletter you seem to write about november 2021? I think you mistook something from somewhere

  67. emus

    > Newsletter XMPP di *febbraio 2022* - versione italiana > 5 marzo 2022 > · 7 minuti · NicFab > Benvenuti alla Newsletter XMPP del mese di *novembre 2021*

  68. emus

    nicfab: another question. could you keep the xep status first in English and then in brackets the Italian translation?

  69. nicfab

    > In the translation for this latest newsletter you seem to write about november 2021? > I think you mistook something from somewhere Yes, you are right. I am sorry! It was a typo from the previous newsletter. I have corrected just now

  70. nicfab

    > nicfab: another question. could you keep the xep status first in English and then in brackets the Italian translation? I changed all to English; I think that is the best solution. It’s better to leave technical words in English because they don’t render in Italian I am sure that Italian people understand

  71. emus

    ok! no need to excuse ☺

  72. TheCoffeMaker

    emus ... will PR not only adding daimonduff and marevalo ... but delete Damian Sartori ... who is me

  73. TheCoffeMaker

    emus ... done ... later will send the translation PR we are working on it

  74. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: Many thanks. will ask for deploy after everthing has been merged

  75. TheCoffeMaker


  76. emus

    Jeybe, TheCoffeMaker, nicfab, neox: after the last tweet, did actually anyone new reach out to you to support translations?

  77. TheCoffeMaker

    yeap ... but not through twitter

  78. emus

    ah ok

  79. TheCoffeMaker

    got to more people in xmpp:es-translators@conference.cyberdelia.com.ar?join willing to contribute but they are not online right now

  80. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: yeah, ok. cool. no, lets not force. they will come and hopefully more

  81. TheCoffeMaker

    yeah ... taking it easy

  82. Jeybe

    > I changed all to English; I think that is the best solution. It’s better to leave technical words in English because they don’t render in Italian > I am sure that Italian people understand That's the way we handle it to, we leave technical XRP terms english

  83. Jeybe

    > I changed all to English; I think that is the best solution. It’s better to leave technical words in English because they don’t render in Italian > I am sure that Italian people understand That's the way we handle it to, we leave technical XEP terms english

  84. Jeybe

    > Jeybe, TheCoffeMaker, nicfab, neox: > after the last tweet, did actually anyone new reach out to you to support translations? Nothing that resulted in something concrete

  85. emus

    Jeybe: ok, lets see

  86. neox

    emus: nope

  87. neox

    That's not important by the way since the french translation is already collaborative

  88. neox

    If anyone wants to help, they can do that through LinuxFR

  89. emus

    Okay great. But I was not meant to find someone other doing but bring more people in the respective teams to support you and keep the work load per person low

  90. emus

    Hello XSF folks! I (emus) started an initiative to celebrate XMPP this year. I have a loose idea to collect statements from the community, developers, users, projects etc. I cannot state yet that we will post all of them and how, to ensure some quality. But let's start with collection. We can discuss later how we going to deal with it best. Tell a "tweetable" story, experience, background about XMPP. Why do you use it, why do you think its great? Why are you involved? How did you come to XMPP? What ever you think that affects this and suits! We should go for a wide spectrum of stories! Date: Well, I see people might can take this as a joke - but we can find a work around maybe - open for suggestions! https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-celebration2022 Let me know if things needs to be board approved or whatever I don't see here! What do you think? :-) Cheers Eddie

  91. emus

    Very much in time!

  92. emus


  93. emus


  94. TheCoffeMaker

    emus: i like it ... Also was thinking on that we can take advantage of FLISOL, which is a FLOSS installation festival on the whole LATAM ... It would be a good opportunity to spread the word and make more visible for LATAM the public servers that like to be announced