XSF Communications Team - 2022-03-15

  1. neox

    emus: uh ?

  2. neox

    emus: if you take the linuxfr link, you have a "donwload markdown" button at the bottom

  3. emus

    neox: ah, didnt know the function

  4. emus

    will do tonight

  5. emus

    Middle-li-diddle of the month - guess what? Best time to add your XMPP project news to the newsletter! If you have news, please formulate a suggestion and post it or make a simple pull request here Newsletter draft on Github: https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/milestone/3 (Navigate to the latest issue, then to 'Files changes', then 'Edit File') Or drop your news text to our online pad: https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-newsletter-365days

  6. emus

    Reminder on this celebration topic: If we want this, we need participation! https://yopad.eu/p/xmpp-celebration2022-365days

  7. TheCoffeMaker

    emus added an idea

  8. TheCoffeMaker

    it can be done in local hackerspaces/hacklabs

  9. emus

    TheCoffeMaker: cool thanks

  10. TheCoffeMaker


  11. TheCoffeMaker

    will add my experience later if it helps

  12. emus

    many thanks