XSF Communications Team - 2022-04-30

  1. emus

    From tomorrow the finalization of the newsletter draft begin. Please add you last commits before the review phase beginning on the 3rd of May latest.

  2. emus

    From tomorrow the finalization of the newsletter draft begins. Please add you last commits before the review phase beginning on the 3rd of May latest.

  3. emus

    Dear German translators, I will likely merge the first translation that came up. But preferably I would like to see an updated PR where you join forces. I think that would be the best outcome. Cheers

  4. Martin

    emus: Created an PR for the newsletter. Please check whether it's in the right place as I haven't made a news letter PR in a long time. ^^

  5. Martin

    Should just have used the pad. :D

  6. emus

    Dare you 😉 Nope - PR is very very much appreciated!

  7. emus


  8. emus

    but it is a client, right=

  9. emus

    but it is a client, right?

  10. Martin

    Sort of.

  11. emus


  12. emus

    > Created 37 minutes ago You keep it tight 🙂

  13. Martin


  14. emus

    Starting with Newsletter preparation please do not use the onlinepad for commits until its cleared for May

  15. emus

    Hey Sam, I have done some editing on > The Mellium Dev Communiqué for April 2022 has also been released and can be found over on [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/mellium/updates/dev-communique-for-april-2022). The big news this month is that the [OMEMO encryption project](https://opencollective.com/mellium/projects/omemo) has received donations totalilng over $100! Its split now into article (I attached to what is there already) + added to the Fiscal Hosting section not yet committed but check out

  16. emus

    pep. are you online?

  17. emus

    nicfab are you online? I wonder where to find the Italian translations exactly?

  18. pep.

    emus: !

  19. emus

    great - I added the threat model article aswell ok?

  20. pep.
