XSF Communications Team - 2022-05-05

  1. emus

    Last chance for reviews!

  2. debacle

    There is a wrong year in issue 1117: > I created the draft for the next release covering April 2021. > Final release is planned for 5th of May 2021.

  3. debacle

    Maybe Profanity 0.12.1 release could be mentioned: https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/releases/tag/0.12.1 It's only a minor release, though, and 0.12.0 has been covered in last months newsletter.

  4. debacle

    This line: > ![Poezio Stickers](/images/newsletter/poeizo.png "Poezio Stickers") stands out a little bit without context.

  5. Licaon_Kter

    debacle: PR that quick then :)

  6. Licaon_Kter

    debacle: profanity, PR that quick then :)

  7. Licaon_Kter

    > This line: > stands out a little bit without context. It's under the poezio news, right?

  8. emus

    wurstsalat: Would you be so kind and check this?

  9. wurstsalat

    debacle, thanks, added

  10. debacle

    sorry, -ENOTIME, need to jump on my bicycle and ride to $WORKPLACE

  11. emus closes eyes and falls asleep ... unfortunaltly I failed on the right links. hope it redeploys correclty soon: https://xmpp.org/2022/05/the-xmpp-newsletter-april-2022/

  12. emus

    but we are at least on time