XSF Communications Team - 2022-05-18

  1. sch

    Good evening, I'm looking for Echolon

  2. wurstsalat

    emus ^

  3. sch

    jcbran_d, Link_M, Sou_L, pe_p ... we have many celebrities here :)

  4. sch

    Hi wurstsalat

  5. emus

    sch: Hey, welcome

  6. sch

    Thank you. Thank you for inviting me

  7. emus

    Sure, feel free to follow the XMPP newsletter we create here as well (See MUC description)

  8. sch

    Feed https://xmpp.org/feeds/all.atom.xml has been added to the database I made for a Slixmpp bot that I'm working on ;)

  9. sch

    RSS bot, that is

  10. emus

    sch: cool please blog about it :-) So we can place it in the newsletter ;-) <infinite-loop> :D

  11. sch

    I'll definitely publish it. The core feaature work well. Net step: Trigger Slixmpp upon update. Further step: Create interactive interface with Slixmpp to add, delete and disable feeds.

  12. sch

    If a Python dev is willing to join, it;s going to be done even faster, I think

  13. emus

    👍 there are several other channels with a more suitable topic. Maybe you fine fellowship there too

  14. sch

    emus: I have made this Userscript, which originally was made for Bittorrent websites (this is a watered-down version but still good in vomparison to the original one) https://openuserjs.org/scripts/sjehuda/Black_Belt

  15. sch

    This script handles magnet links, and also Feeds, IPFS, Email, IRC, XMPP link etc etc.

  16. sch

    Because I have available pace on the bar created by that script, I thought of promoting software that are related to detected scripts. Please end me input on that matter, because I didn't think of how to begin this yet

  17. sch
