XSF Communications Team - 2022-05-22

  1. neox

    A bit late, but just to inform that the french translation of the newsletter is online. https://linuxfr.org/news/lettre-d-information-xmpp-d-avril-2022 https://news.jabberfr.org/2022/05/lettre-dinformation-xmpp-davril-2022/

  2. emus

    neox: Great!

  3. Schimon

    emus, pardon me for asking again. concerning the News bot, I need a Python group room, if you know any. I need to handle network errors in order not to end up with a locked database. I'm currently testing integration with Slixmpp

  4. emus

    guys, what the service discovery URL again?

  5. emus

    Schimon: otherwise jdev maybe?

  6. emus
