Is there someone who can volunteer to update the xep development for June? wurstsalat won't be able to do it this time
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
Hmm. I coud try to do it. It seems there were only two new xeps this month. And no updates. I was there in the meetings and they werent voted in yet. I dont see anything updated in the specifications page either. If there are other places to look or ask please point them out :) Could it be done without a github account? I dont have one.
MSavoritias (fae,ve): yes, you can check the maillist webview
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
I was on the right track then :D How do you want me to send the update?
MSavoritias (fae,ve): Best thing you can do is look at how it is i the current PR on github for the newsletter. This is the OLD one from the last release. I leave it there for the structure. If you take a look at this you best know how we usually do it. it should cover the month of June does tha thelp?
MSavoritias (fae,ve): Furthermore, is fine if you copy the piece, edit it and send it to me. you dont need to PR
I just need someone with better understanding what happened than me
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
Got it. Will send tomorrow 👍
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
Just to double check tho. Just the xep section right?
MSavoritias (fae,ve): yes, only about XEPs. Thats where I will have challenges to do it myself and even review
MSavoritias (fae,ve)
Got it. No worries, i can do it :D
MSavoritias (fae,ve): many thanks that saves my day
MSavoritias (fae,ve)