XSF Communications Team - 2022-08-21

  1. gooya

    Hi everyone, where can I chexk the availability of translated newsletters? I want to finally contribute to the xmpp newsletter by writing some (new) news and by translating the newsletter to dutch.

  2. Jeybe

    gooya: for currently available translations check the bottom of https://xmpp.org/newsletter/

  3. Jeybe

    If that's what you mean

  4. gooya

    Jeybe: I'll make sure to check it out thanks for the heads up!

  5. Jeybe

    Tldr dutch is not available yet, currently the newsletter is translated to german, spanish, french and italian

  6. gooya

    I added a part to the newsletter about the new Moxxyv2 client for android. Is anyone able to check my text for grammatical errors?

  7. emus

    gooya: Hi! Great attempt. Ideally you (and your co-translators?) create a pr in our repo after publication (see our release cycle)

  8. emus

    gooya: review comes from 2nd to 5th usually

  9. gooya

    emus: Thanks for checking it. I am not aware of any co-translators? I'll change my conversations update draft later today/tomorrow. I'm unsure how to create a pull request on github. I'll have to read in to that first.

  10. gooya

    Btw regarding the Dutch translation, would that still be needed for previous newsletters or only the upcomming one?

  11. emus

    gooya: Sure. I recommend to reach out for supoorters to distribute work load

  12. emus

    gooya: Then at least create a correclty formatted and translated .md file

  13. gooya

    emus: I'll see if there is someone close to me willing and capable of making a good translation. I'll keep you updated :)

  14. emus

    gooya: I think you should start with the new ones and see how it goes. If you are soo motivated in the end you are free to transalte old ones too