XSF Communications Team - 2022-09-07

  1. Licaon_Kter


  2. emus


  3. emus

    Editorial closing of the XMPP Newsletter August 2022 release Many thanks to everyone!!! This release to Adrien Bourmault (neox), anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, daimonduff, emus, Gooya, Holger, IM, Ludovic Bocquet, martin, MattJ, MSavoritias (fae,ve), nicfab, Pierre Jarillon, Sam Whited, TheCoffeMaker, wh0nix, vanitasvitae, wurstsalat, Zash for their help in creation, review and translation! heart fireworks Next release is next month on 5th of October 2022! Have a good time until then and see you soon!

  4. emus

    https://xmpp.org/2022/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2022/ https://fosstodon.org/@xmpp/108959071499962781 https://twitter.com/xmpp/status/1567614786229116928

  5. Martin

    > Tigase Martin 3.2.1 has been released. 🧐